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Is Laura Palmer a Tulpa ?

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Hey everyone !

I'm new on this website (but i've already read a lot of things) and i'm a french fan, so i'm sorry for my english. I have just one question : 

Why does LP disappear when Dale takes her home at the end of Part 17 ?

Is Laura Palmer a Tulpa ? 

Posted : 04/09/2017 9:41 am
Posts: 1033
Noble Member
Posted by: Quentin Billet-Garin

Hey everyone !

I'm new on this website (but i've already read a lot of things) and i'm a french fan, so i'm sorry for my english. I have just one question : 

Why does LP disappear when Dale takes her home at the end of Part 17 ?

Is Laura Palmer a Tulpa ? 

Presumably she was kidnapped by the same entity that forcibly removed her from the Red Room in part 1. Or, placed somewhere else "in limbo" until Cooper made choices on how to get her back "home." 

Edit: welcome to the forum! 

Posted : 04/09/2017 9:46 am
Posts: 8
Active Member

I was thinking this too! Laura tells James that "Your Laura disappeared. Now there's just me,"  moments before Cooper takes her by the hand in the woods. If so- The tulpas seem to become aware they are a duplicate and then put themselves in a situation to end their lives soon after. 

Remember Laura also tells Cooper in the lodge " I died but yet I live."


i m not sure why she disappeared but perhaps the tulpas can't switch realities/go back to the lodge without being destroyed?

Posted : 04/09/2017 9:56 am
Posts: 34
Eminent Member

I thought this initially too - or that the Laura who was killed was a tulpa - but I don't think this is quite right. For one thing, we are given pretty good indicators of when people are tulpas by how they behave or their ending. They could have ended it this way, but didn't.

Posted : 04/09/2017 10:18 am
Posts: 3
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Topic starter

I always thinking about two Laura Palmer, like Diane (The Tulpa we saw in Part 16 and the one with the red hair). 

1. The Tulpa that we saw in Part 17 and in "Fire walk with me" created by the White Lodge.

2. And the Laura Palmer who are in the red room in Cooper's dream and in the beginning of "The Return". She's in the red room because she's dead ? Hum, sounds too easy for Lynch's mind. 

it's difficult to me to explain in english, but you got the idea

Posted : 04/09/2017 10:20 am
Posts: 8
Active Member

I've heard of the theory that traumatic events can splinter off pieces of the soul. Diane's tulpa is created after a traumatic event and after she is brought to the convenience store with the black and rose wallpaper. which made me think of what could have happened to Laura. The Tremond grandma gives her a picture of that same wallpaper. In another post I was reminded in FWWM that Annie tells Laura that she was with "Dale and Laura" so it looks like there I should already another Laura referred to in that movie.


Of course  with all the timey wiminess nonsense of the black lodge Annie could have been referring to Laura's (prime) future. 

Going to have to spend some time rewatching. Tried to figure out sequences based on whether or not Cooper had his pin on and I am in a head spin. 

From the series I figured Laura's soul entered the waiting room via the ring and like Cooper had at least an evil doppelgänger - adding on the idea of  copies are a bit confusing though. 

Posted : 06/09/2017 1:29 pm
Posts: 2608

"She's my cousin.  But doesn't she look she look almost exactly like Laura Palmer?"

"But it is Laura Palmer.  Are you Laura Palmer?"


Posted : 06/09/2017 1:38 pm
Posts: 1
New Member

I was kind of wondering this myself, after watching 17 & 18 of the new series. 

It seems that, though it was not originally intentional to do so with Fire Walk With Me, that Lynch might have found a loophole in the film to pull this off. 

Remember in the film, where Laura has her dream of going into the picture given to her (which leads into the Convenient Store)? After a while she looks back down upon herself, from the picture (as if inside) and sees herself asleep in bed, at her house? I think they might have switched Laura's body at that time with a Tulpa. I will have to go back and watch the film, but I am curious to see if after this "switch" if her persona changes for the rest of the film.

This might have been a pre-planned attempt to fool both Bob and Judy. Laura's Tulpa is killed, while the real Laura is whisked away to another reality, say by The Fireman and/or Jeffries (since the Convenient Store has route to him).

When Cooper frees Laura's Tulpa of her death, he does so as a means to finally trick Judy into thinking she is actually taking the real Laura away, and hence thinking she has won. Meanwhile, Cooper then goes to the alternate reality, as a means to pull the real Laura back into remembering herself; which she does at the end, the lights go out and Judy has lost. 

Just another theory. 

Posted : 11/09/2017 12:40 pm
Posts: 51
Trusted Member

Wow. Cool. Could be.

Posted : 11/09/2017 5:09 pm
Posts: 47
Eminent Member

 This is the best topic I have found here!

Posted : 11/09/2017 7:04 pm
Posts: 2608

Well, the way Dougie and Tulpa Diane both just disappeared, and then the way Laura disappeared in the woods, I guess she totally could be a Tulpa. It even kinda makes sense in a way.

Posted : 11/09/2017 7:18 pm
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