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How about a separate forum on this site for folks who want to talk about how much they hated parts 17/18, TPTR, DL

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Posts: 2608
Posted by: EpicEsquire
Posted by: PossiblyPale

I don't really have a problem with anyone hating the ending, or feeling the whole thing was a sham.  I only have a problem with people disparaging others who enjoyed the Return and/or its ending (or at least found it interesting and haven't made up their mind yet).  There isn't any clear answer to any of it, so having a respectful discussion is helpful.

I've been disparaged for NOT liking the finale - yet I have not called for segregation.  Our society is becoming such a society of "victimhood" and "my feelings mean more than yours"

Debate used to be an intellectual pursuit, with arguments posited by both sides – where, if one side had a strong enough argument and evidence for such, the other side could be persuaded.  However, our society has moved further and further away from this type of debate and, as such, caused us all to become so entrenched in our own worlds that the intellectual pursuit of debate has become a shouting match.


I don't think this is a place for persuading a side.  Just discussion.  There have been many opposing view points here over the last months. We have mostly stayed respectful, or have respectfully bowed out. See the thread on misogyny some weeks back.

As I've said, I'm not decided either way and I'm coming to accept that I may never be or that time will fill in the blanks and make the decision for me. But it is art, good or bad, right or wrong, it's for everyone to take away what they want (not need) from it.  

Actually, what they need and what they choose too. 🙂

Posted : 04/09/2017 7:56 pm
Posts: 204
Estimable Member
Posted by: Randy Bowser

Yes, I've noticed. I don't understand the "I've wasted 17 Sunday nights!!" posts - um-- how could they not realize they weren't into it before the finale.

I, for one, was hoping that the finale would make up for all time spent watching all these -at the time- "seemingly" pointless scenes.

Now, when I've learned the truth, that they all indeed really were just pointless, I feel there is no curse in Elvish, Entish, or the tongues of Men for this treachery. 

Posted : 04/09/2017 8:03 pm
Posts: 234
Estimable Member

I find that rewatching everything a second time, nothing seems pointless at all. Can't explain why though.

Posted : 04/09/2017 8:09 pm
Posts: 2608
Posted by: Teo Peaks

I find that rewatching everything a second time, nothing seems pointless at all. Can't explain why though.

I am so afraid of watching 17/18 over. Not sure I can take this ride again.

Posted : 04/09/2017 8:10 pm
Posts: 2250
Noble Member

I'm looking forward to seeing 'em again.  Not yet, though; too much fun on here.  Hehehe.

Posted : 04/09/2017 8:12 pm
Lynn Watson, Randy Bowser, cyndeewillow and 1 people reacted
Posts: 142
Estimable Member
Posted by: EpicEsquire
Posted by: PossiblyPale

I don't really have a problem with anyone hating the ending, or feeling the whole thing was a sham.  I only have a problem with people disparaging others who enjoyed the Return and/or its ending (or at least found it interesting and haven't made up their mind yet).  There isn't any clear answer to any of it, so having a respectful discussion is helpful.

I've been disparaged for NOT liking the finale - yet I have not called for segregation.  Our society is becoming such a society of "victimhood" and "my feelings mean more than yours"

Debate used to be an intellectual pursuit, with arguments posited by both sides – where, if one side had a strong enough argument and evidence for such, the other side could be persuaded.  However, our society has moved further and further away from this type of debate and, as such, caused us all to become so entrenched in our own worlds that the intellectual pursuit of debate has become a shouting match.


I also felt an odd mix of emotions yesterday that over the last 24 hours have become more reflective.  Yesterday I did not quite know what I was feeling....a mix of disappointment with a tad of exhaustion on one hand but with a tinge of excitement and  expectation on the other.... conflicting emotions that made me ..... well uncomfortable is the best word to describe it!  But after watching again with some of the shock minimized with time I find I was actually able to enjoy it a bit more.  All the different takes - pro and con - helped me in that evolution so I for one love the give and take and the love it or hate it aspect.  It helps with definition for me.... and I said it in another post .... anytime something brings out this much emotion - on both sides - the subject of discussion is bound to be heated.  I would hope we could all just step back and agree to disagree with respect for each other .... and as someone said earlier .... we need a lot more of that in the world today in general.  I for one have grown to appreciate the last two parts in the last 24 hours.  And believe me 24 hours ago I was a skeptic....but again due to the great input I have seen from this forum I have been able to readjust and my hope is over the next several days others will as well.  Yesterday it was hard for me the accept the ending we were given.... today I am at a place where I can accept and actually appreciate a bit! So THANK you ALL for all that!


PS that was Still the most awkward Sex scene in history and nothing I fear is going to change my take on that one!!!  ?

Posted : 04/09/2017 8:17 pm
Posts: 144
Estimable Member
Posted by: Paige Daniel Craig

PS that was Still the most awkward Sex scene in history and nothing I fear is going to change my take on that one!!!  ?

There is no debating that!

Posted : 04/09/2017 8:30 pm
Posts: 231
Estimable Member
Posted by: Eric from Sweden

I, for one, was hoping that the finale would make up for all time spent watching all these -at the time- "seemingly" pointless scenes...

I actually do get that. My wife was let down by ep. 18 since she was also wanting everything, or most things at least, to finally Make Sense. -- I do feel that going into anything from Lynch with the expectation that All Will Be Clear is fruitless and missing the point. But I can see how it would be frustrating to a viewer who was searching for plot, rising and falling action, conclusion - ta da and all that.

Posted : 04/09/2017 8:49 pm
Posts: 234
Estimable Member

Was anyone else very depressed by Laura Palmer's scream?

Posted : 04/09/2017 8:51 pm
Posts: 2608
Posted by: Teo Peaks

Was anyone else very depressed by Laura Palmer's scream?

Yes.  But I was more depressed by the several seconds of blackout that followed.

Posted : 04/09/2017 9:14 pm
Lynn Watson reacted
Posts: 518
Honorable Member
Posted by: Brandy Fisher
I am so afraid of watching 17/18 over. Not sure I can take this ride again.

Hi Brandy,

You should watch them again.  Really.  You won't believe how many more things you will see.


- /< /\ /> - 

Posted : 04/09/2017 9:38 pm
Posts: 2608
Posted by: Ric Bissell
Posted by: Brandy Fisher
I am so afraid of watching 17/18 over. Not sure I can take this ride again.

Hi Brandy,

You should watch them again.  Really.  You won't believe how many more things you will see.


- /< /\ /> - 

Oh, I'm sure I will.

Just not yet.  🙂

Posted : 04/09/2017 9:41 pm
Ric Bissell reacted
Posts: 518
Honorable Member
Posted by: EpicEsquire
Posted by: Paige Daniel Craig

PS that was Still the most awkward Sex scene in history and nothing I fear is going to change my take on that one!!!  ?

There is no debating that!

Hi Paige and Epic,

It may have been awkward, but it was fraught with meaning.


- /< /\ /> -

Posted : 04/09/2017 9:43 pm
Posts: 17
Active Member
Posted by: EpicEsquire

WOW so those of us who did not like the finale must now be segregated from the more "enlightened" on the forum?

Guess our opinions triggered you.


I think the use of the term "segregated" to describe a separate twin peaks blog is a little awkward. I mean, David Lynch having his only black character as an escort is already awkward enough... 

Posted : 04/09/2017 9:46 pm
Posts: 31
Eminent Member

I'm one of the people disappointed with this season.  I wouldn't say I HATED the finale.  I just found it boring and unsatisfying.  I've listed all of my complaints elsewhere, and won't rehash them here.  

This forum is for ALL forms of discussion, even dissent.  We don't need a separate forum to discuss our issues with the very people we are trying to talk to.  

In any case, I think most forum members are also discussing theories and what not, and not simply ranting.  

Posted : 04/09/2017 10:35 pm
EpicEsquire reacted
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