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Death Bag (Caution Do Not Enter Here)

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Posted by: SamXTherapy
Posted by: Charlie

Digestible, I love it!  And hear I saw Sam more of a PBR type of guy.

Dear Sweet Pink Baby Jesus, no!

I'll happily drink most beers, on the basis that any beer is better than no beer at all but given the choice, it's either an Irish Stout/London Porter thing, a traditional bitter, or a decent lager.  Some of the mass produced stuff here isn't bad, but we are spoilt for choice with all kinds of beers;Scotland, the North of England/Derbyshire and the Midlands are known for brewing good stuff.

At the risk of causing a ruck with a few of the US posters here, the standard of US beer - micro and craft breweries excepted - is like making love in a canoe. 😉

I'd drink PBR if I had to but I wouldn't be happy about it.  

Such a politically correct response.  Truth be known I enjoy my Scotch & family produced Moonshine (Remember I live in the rural South of the US).  [Using his best Most Interesting Man Voice] "I don't always drink beer, but when I do drink beer, I drink Molson", love me some Canadian beer

Posted : 12/09/2017 3:35 pm
Posts: 2250
Noble Member

I don't do PC, I do honest reply. 

Don't care for the Canadian beers I've tried, it has to be said.  But, it's beer, so...

Posted : 12/09/2017 3:38 pm
Posts: 2608
Posted by: Charlie

Such a politically correct response.  Truth be known I enjoy my Scotch & family produced Moonshine (Remember I live in the rural South of the US).  [Using his best Most Interesting Man Voice] "I don't always drink beer, but when I do drink beer, I drink Molson", love me some Canadian beer

Oh yeah, stick with the Scotch & Moonshine.......

Posted : 12/09/2017 3:49 pm
Posts: 2250
Noble Member

Never tried Moonshine.  I have, however, been lucky enough to receive a gift of contraband Jamaica Rum from an old friend.  You could get to the moon and back on a glass of that stuff.

As for Scotch, you could say I'm a fan.  And Irish.  Different beasts entirely but still great fun.

Posted : 12/09/2017 4:18 pm
Posts: 968
Prominent Member

I like my british bitters, ales, stouts, cos I'm a typical English pubgoer, but also will drink lager, particularly in the summer. Like SamXTherapy says - it's beer, so 🙂

That said, I tried a Boston Lager the other day for the first time, which I really enjoyed. No idea if that's a common beer in the States, whether it's considered a good quality one or maybe a cliche beer? In any case, I liked it 🙂

Posted : 12/09/2017 4:49 pm
SamXTherapy reacted
Posts: 2608
Posted by: Myn0k

I like my british bitters, ales, stouts, cos I'm a typical English pubgoer, but also will drink lager, particularly in the summer. Like SamXTherapy says - it's beer, so 🙂

That said, I tried a Boston Lager the other day for the first time, which I really enjoyed. No idea if that's a common beer in the States, whether it's considered a good quality one or maybe a cliche beer? In any case, I liked it 🙂

Sam Adams?


The thing about "quality" beer in the states is quite divided. With the upsruge of craft breweries, mentalities have severely changed and many of us are quite, um, "partial" to our regional craft brews, kinda like rap music fans were "partial" to their west or east coast loyalties.  😀

That said, one of my favorite things to do whenever I am out of my locality, is to try every local beer I can get my hands on.  I've have been amazingly surprised and amazingly horrified, sometimes at the same brewery.

Posted : 12/09/2017 4:54 pm
Posts: 334
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Let me help those across the pond, here are quality local beers:

In Texas, drink Lonestar

In Washington, drink Rainer

In St. Louis, drink Michelob

In Milwaukee, drink Milwaukee's Best

In Atlanta, drink Past Blue Ribbon

In Denver, drink Coors Banquet Beer

Yeah, okay, this was a joke.  These are the man's man beers.  I do love me some Lonestar though.

Posted : 12/09/2017 5:00 pm
Myn0k and Brandy Fisher reacted
Posts: 2608
Posted by: Charlie

Let me help those across the pond, here are quality local beers:

In Texas, drink Lonestar

In Washington, drink Rainer

In St. Louis, drink Michelob

In Milwaukee, drink Milwaukee's Best

In Atlanta, drink Past Blue Ribbon

In Denver, drink Coors Banquet Beer

Yeah, okay, this was a joke.  These are the man's man beers.  I do love me some Lonestar though.

It you hadn't ended that with "okay this was a joke" I would have threatened you with physical harm, possibly in the form of spending a year in an isolated cabin with James and his guitar and microphone.

Posted : 12/09/2017 5:03 pm
Myn0k and Charlie reacted
Posts: 351
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Like Gordon Cole, I'm more of a wine guy, but like Sam I won't say no to a beer.

Posted : 13/09/2017 10:23 am
Posts: 2250
Noble Member

I loves me a big chewy red wine.

Posted : 13/09/2017 11:09 am
Posts: 36
Eminent Member

Is it future, or is it Pabst? (Sorry, couldn't resist after seeing the typo)

Posted : 13/09/2017 2:39 pm
Jank Frones, buttercup, Ric Bissell and 2 people reacted
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I got a letter from our janitor Bob today, it reads:

Dear Charlie,

I don't give 2 craps how tired you are or where your damn coat is hiding, I agreed to clean up your bag because you promised me plenty of peoples' pain, sadness, and fear.  While your bag started with high hopes, it has recently shown signs of hope and laughter.  I am forced to resign as your janitor, I have been offered a better job spending my days working for the White House and my nights working for Antifa.  I might be willing to return after the Final Dossier is released and all your fellow fans are once again in a fit of rage and suffering.

With heart warmth and affection,


Posted : 13/09/2017 3:03 pm
Posts: 2608
Posted by: Charlie

I got a letter from our janitor Bob today, it reads:

Dear Charlie,

I don't give 2 craps how tired you are or where your damn coat is hiding, I agreed to clean up your bag because you promised me plenty of peoples' pain, sadness, and fear.  While your bag started with high hopes, it has recently shown signs of hope and laughter.  I am forced to resign as your janitor, I have been offered a better job spending my days working for the White House and my nights working for Antifa.  I might be willing to return after the Final Dossier is released and all your fellow fans are once again in a fit of rage and suffering.

With heart warmth and affection,


Oh dear, what shall we do?

Should we go find Billy?  He might make a good janitor.  And if he is the drunk drooly guy in jail, he'll fit right in.

Posted : 13/09/2017 3:10 pm
Posts: 518
Honorable Member
Hi Brandy,
Posted by: Brandy Fisher
Posted by: Charlie

I got a letter from our janitor Bob today, it reads:

Dear Charlie,

I don't give 2 craps how tired you are or where your damn coat is hiding, I agreed to clean up your bag because you promised me plenty of peoples' pain, sadness, and fear.  While your bag started with high hopes, it has recently shown signs of hope and laughter.  I am forced to resign as your janitor, I have been offered a better job spending my days working for the White House and my nights working for Antifa.  I might be willing to return after the Final Dossier is released and all your fellow fans are once again in a fit of rage and suffering.

With heart warmth and affection,


Oh dear, what shall we do?

Baby's in black and I'm feelin' blue...

Hell, we haven't sung here in a while:




-/< /\ /> -

Posted : 13/09/2017 3:26 pm
Posts: 334
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