Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
I dunno what's scarier. BOB getting you with his death bag or his shit bag.
If the actor was still with this I would share the horrible places this line takes me, but in respect to the dead, I will simply say this made me laugh.
I dunno what's scarier. BOB getting you with his death bag or his shit bag.
Let's change the subject 😀
I'm angry that Mr C didn't rub anybody else's face other than Jack's.
Someone else needed a good face rub.
I dunno what's scarier. BOB getting you with his death bag or his shit bag.
Let's change the subject 😀
I'm angry that Mr C didn't rub anybody else's face other than Jack's.
Someone else needed a good face rub.
Well, Diane kinda rubbed Coopers face.
But you are right, there need to be another good face rubbing by the big C.
In all seriousness since Charlie was nice enough to put this angry but safe space here for us, I am angry that we were were introduced to all those new people and all those stories, and we spent weeks on the edge of our seats, biting our nails, obsessing in forums, and they all just disappeared *poof* like they never existed and never mattered.
Even if this is the whole point and there is "artistic" reason, I am still angry about it.
Let me help stoke the juice, Annie, Audrey, Green glove, Becky, Buckhorn, Paul, I am the Tree. Give my death bag your anger, your pain. It can take it!
I just wanted to say that I thought creating this thread in the way you did was a great idea and the name is freakin
aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhh! ... - that felt weird. did u just trick me into doing that? Who am I?.......
Charlie is actually Bob and he is feeding off our creamed corn.
Since I am not feeling like much of a voice of anger or happiness about the finale, why don't I offer this little place for all the angry members to scream out their garmonbozia here. A warning has been place on the door that no one should enter this post without treat of suffering from the hate within. Enjoy your little place in this, my death bag.
Thank you.
Since I am not feeling like much of a voice of anger or happiness about the finale, why don't I offer this little place for all the angry members to scream out their garmonbozia here. A warning has been place on the door that no one should enter this post without treat of suffering from the hate within. Enjoy your little place in this, my death bag.
Thank you.
Hey I even included Paul in my list to stoke the fire just for you!
I'm actually quite angry this morning.
I'm thinking I might not bother with the Final Dossier just yet because a book like that should be used to enrich the experience, not to make up for a show's shortcomings. And if everything is a dream or not real anyway, then what's the point. I don't want to read about something that's all a dream. I want to be fully immersed in a living, breathing world. Otherwise in reading about s make believe, make believe place.
I think I'm going through Brandy's grief process. I'm sure I'll order the book at some point...
I'm actually quite angry this morning.
I'm thinking I might not bother with the Final Dossier just yet because a book like that should be used to enrich the experience, not to make up for a show's shortcomings. And if everything is a dream or not real anyway, then what's the point. I don't want to read about something that's all a dream. I want to be fully immersed in a living, breathing world. Otherwise in reading about s make believe, make believe place.
I think I'm going through Brandy's grief process. I'm sure I'll order the book at some point...
I pre-ordered it, waiting. I'll read it the same way I read TSHOTP, now that I know. I expect it, too, will be like from some other universe with little or no overlap with TPTR.
After reading and loving Frost's first book, I was expecting so much connection with the series, but it's like the two guys were from different planets. I don't expect any clues to this series. Maybe anecdotes about the Mitchums or some Andy/Lucy/Wally chuckles, but nothing substantive.
Found my own venom to spew forth: Facebook /Twitter - I don't care about your political statements, what my 'sign' tells me about today, which character of The Simpsons I'm most like, the story about the guy that treated you bad at McDonald's, that your currently at Billy Bob Park, or what you had at that Italian restaurant last night. TMI people, TMI.
Yeah I know, it's not specific to Twin Peaks, but does point my dissatisfaction with listening to Mr. Anderson or Julee whine about how badly they've been treated. I guess I don't really care. You made money off this show, in fact, I would not even know who you were if it was not for this show. Get over yourself!
Okay I feel better.
Found my own venom to spew forth: Facebook /Twitter - I don't care about your political statements, what my 'sign' tells me about today, which character of The Simpsons I'm most like, the story about the guy that treated you bad at McDonald's, that your currently at Billy Bob Park, or what you had at that Italian restaurant last night. TMI people, TMI.
Yeah I know, it's not specific to Twin Peaks, but does point my dissatisfaction with listening to Mr. Anderson or Julee whine about how badly they've been treated. I guess I don't really care. You made money off this show, in fact, I would not even know who you were if it was not for this show. Get over yourself!
Okay I feel better.
Thank you for sharing.