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Episode 8 as well!!!! Just finished watching 8 & 18, it is utterly ridiculous
Episode 8 as well!!!! Just finished watching 8 & 18, it is utterly ridiculous
Well, just to be a tiny bit careful, the atomic-bomb acid-trip that was Part 8 could probably be synced to almost anything - including Dark Side of the Moon and The Wizard of OZ.
Wait, The Wizard of OZ?!? ... isn't that one of Lynch's.... Just kidding. 😉
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Just watch it for yourself! There is not a shred of doubt in my mind that it's been constructed specifically so that this works, there are far, far too many links for it to be coincidental... Characters comment on other scenes, sound effects from one scene are better for the other than the one they're in, musical cues that come out of nowhere in one scene are actually soundtracking another, it's simply beyond belief...
Hi SamX,I just read through the whole thing and, assuming the syncs are correct, that's damn amazing.
Yeah, I wish I had a way to watch them side-by-side, but I don't know how to do that. Dammit! >:-(
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It's on Youtube. Just search Twin Peaks Sync. 2 versions. Side by side and overlay. Neither is impressive in my opinion. Not even the ends.
The biggest issue with the sync theory? It an actual conclusion. How big a fan of that sort of thing is Lynch? Or Frost? They have a Golden Goose and they have no intention of killing it.
It has a lot more layers than what that article goes into, and they don't even consider episode 8. It's way too exact for it to be a fluke, it is obviously deliberate so we can ignore it if we like but it's intentionally part of the story.
It's got me wondering if all the odd, out of place sections throughout are meant to be in sync with something else. Maybe the flashing windows, for example, link up with the flashing lights on all the FBI gear in Cole's hotel room, or even the message Philip Jeffries gives to Mr C.
What strikes me as really funny is how, way back in an earlier forum we were talking about split screen techniques from movies in the 70s and 80s, never realizing it was being done right in front of us.
It also makes me wonder if there is going to be a special split screen version on BluRay. It would certainly make things easier.
Edited to add: Maybe someone can figure out if there's a key to the different colours on the Rancho Rosa logos.
I doubt that they will do it, for the same reason why I think it's a bad idea to watch combined videos on youtube - you will miss the experience of having the sounds coming from different places. Half the fun of watching the episodes in synch is how cleverly Lynch has done the sound design, the sound effects and music both really move around, it's like the elements were determined then split between episodes.
Makes me wonder if you can sync an episode from the original series. I.e. Audrey's dance.
What I would say is that if you look close enough and for long enough, you'll find patterns in everything. Everywhere. So people should tread carefully and look at this as a bit of fun rather than an absolute.
I doubt that they will do it, for the same reason why I think it's a bad idea to watch combined videos on youtube - you will miss the experience of having the sounds coming from different places. Half the fun of watching the episodes in synch is how cleverly Lynch has done the sound design, the sound effects and music both really move around, it's like the elements were determined then split between episodes.
I think it won't happen because Lynch would be embarrassed to have people think he meant to sync two episodes and couldn't even have them end at the same point. Episode 18's credits come before 17's. The opening credits sync up great though. I'm going to compare them to the other episodes now.
I doubt that they will do it, for the same reason why I think it's a bad idea to watch combined videos on youtube - you will miss the experience of having the sounds coming from different places. Half the fun of watching the episodes in synch is how cleverly Lynch has done the sound design, the sound effects and music both really move around, it's like the elements were determined then split between episodes.
The Fireman, episode 1 :
"Listen to the sounds".
I doubt that they will do it, for the same reason why I think it's a bad idea to watch combined videos on youtube - you will miss the experience of having the sounds coming from different places. Half the fun of watching the episodes in synch is how cleverly Lynch has done the sound design, the sound effects and music both really move around, it's like the elements were determined then split between episodes.
I think it won't happen because Lynch would be embarrassed to have people think he meant to sync two episodes and couldn't even have them end at the same point. Episode 18's credits come before 17's. The opening credits sync up great though. I'm going to compare them to the other episodes now.
Episode 18 is supposed to end sooner than 17 - that way the entire series ends with Julee Cruise in the Roadhouse! Are you even watching these properly or are you just comparing bits? Honestly, you should watch these in full before commenting..
Good to know the opening credits sync up. I've been worried about that.
I doubt that they will do it, for the same reason why I think it's a bad idea to watch combined videos on youtube - you will miss the experience of having the sounds coming from different places. Half the fun of watching the episodes in synch is how cleverly Lynch has done the sound design, the sound effects and music both really move around, it's like the elements were determined then split between episodes.
I think it won't happen because Lynch would be embarrassed to have people think he meant to sync two episodes and couldn't even have them end at the same point. Episode 18's credits come before 17's. The opening credits sync up great though. I'm going to compare them to the other episodes now.
Episode 18 is supposed to end sooner than 17 - that way the entire series ends with Julee Cruise in the Roadhouse! Are you even watching these properly or are you just comparing bits? Honestly, you should watch these in full before commenting..
I watched it. What does properly mean? With the idea it's correct they are synced to begin with?
Episode 18's credits start before 17's. Julee Cruise comes even later. If Julee Cruise ending the series was so important Lynch would have given her more than 15 seconds of screen time. And why would anyone think this series is actually supposed to end? When has Lynch ever given the impression he wants that?
I know the credits happen earlier. It's obviously done that way specifically. The credits roll and roll and roll and meanwhile episode 17 is just sitting there on that one shot looking at the woods. As soon as the credits on episode 18 are finished, the scene changes on episode 17. Episode 18's Lynch/Frost screen is silent for once (so as not to intrude on episode 17 finishing - same thing happens with episode 8) then it melts into the Roadhouse.
The series doesn't technically end - it's still an infinite loop, as you will see if you synch episode 8 with 18...
Saying it's an infinite loop is en ending. It's a final conclusion. Even if it goes on an on it's a ending to the series.