I think the fact that Cooper seems to be 100% confident as to what is going on is our best hope for us as the audience to get an explanation of what is going on (at least in terms of the supernatural elements). He knows what to do as if he deliberated a plan, and even in the first episode he tells the Fireman (Giant) "I understand completely." I would imagine that when he reunites with his TP and FBI peeps, he will explain to someone. There is a part of me that wants some degree of mystery to remain. However, it would be great to get some answers after all these years. I'm curious of what you guys think. Will there finally be an explanation of what the Lodges and its entities represent? Do we even want an explanation? Think about it: A full explanation will kill all of that speculation/theorizing we have engaged in for more than 25 years, which for me, has been the most magical thing about TP.
There are too many outstanding things to be explained in the 2 hours remaining. I suspect that lots of loose ends will be covered in the Final Dossier that comes out on Oct 31. I already preordered mine. But that won't explain everything. Lynch & Frost will keep everyone wondering and interpreting characters, and situations forever.