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I'm not sure any of those theories were actually popular.
I'm also not convinced #2 was debunked. I don't believe Freddie is imaginary (I think he's a tulpa, which is different), but it's still not out of the question that he could be.
I like the word anthropy. It's an anthropological entropy.
Re Dougie, to me it's clear that he lost his mind in the transfer, and connecting with the electricity allowed him to recover it. Of course he'll have to recover first but I'm sure we'll see him back to normal next week. I just hope he doesn't break Janey's heart. Empathy is his thing after all.
Re what's your name, the answer doesn't have to be Coop... maybe it's Audrey if she was in a coma, or Judy, or the Experiment, or Laura Palmer if she's back in some form. My bets are on a woman either way.
I'm not sure any of those theories were actually popular.
I'm also not convinced #2 was debunked. I don't believe Freddie is imaginary (I think he's a tulpa, which is different), but it's still not out of the question that he could be.
Do I have to end your story, too?
Twin Peaks is fictional, so all characters are imaginary...
I always hoped Dougie would see a barrel being fixed in valley and snap out of it by seeing his real name being literally being shown to him ? ?
I thought Coop would 'awaken' in Ep 15 - as the original choice of portals was 3 or 15 & he went through and appeared in Ep3.
Sticking a damn fork into the portal in Ep15 is pretty close! 🙂
I never expected him to snap back to 'old' Cooper, but the very fact he focused & then turned the fork round showed a level of cognitive ability waaaaay outside anything else Dougie Coop has done. So I'm quite happy that we were given a very straightforward clue early on... the portal was involved in #3 and #15.
It looks likely with Dougie recognising the Gordon Cole ref. from Sunset Boulevard, followed by the electrocution, he'll be pretty much back to normal when he does return which in all fairness could be anytime in the next 3 episodes considering the overall pacing of the show this season. He was shocked in ep.3 and then shocked in ep.15 which fits with the theory of those numbers anyhow. People jumped the gun assuming he'd be back Ep. 15 and Lynch wouldn't drag it out again (wishful thinking folks!) but, lets be honest, the essential reasoning behind the theory re the Mauve Room's fusebox numerics appears to be correct. Though obv. the Good Coopers return is still not 100% confirmed at this point.
I'll be surprised to see him back in the next episode even. Its pure speculation, but I have this distinct feeling Lynch/Frost are gonna drag out seeing the return of Coop until the finale. that last episode title is "What is your name?" too... Ep. 16 will probably focus primarily on Gordon Cole et al and maybe some more Sarah Palmer scenes. Since they weren't in it last week.
My only niggling doubt here is this: Bad Coop has only just (allegedly) texted Diane the "Las Vegas" message in Ep. 15 so theres still some ways to go before that whole storyline catches up to the Diane receiving it a couple of episodes ago (it must be at least 2 or 3 episodes now since she received it?). They've made it absolutely clear to the audience since the last episode though that the narrative timeline has been slightly eschewed so perhaps theres a reason they've only revealed this erratic pattern of timelines/narratives now...
What's just crossed my mind is that we still don't really know what Mr C wants (what he really, really wants).
Perhaps the real Coop returning to normal will provide all the details we as an audience need to know. The real Coop may instantly know what he wants, and provide exposition to Cole / Hawk and co.
There's a lot to understand and resolve in three episodes. Or maybe there's not.
I had similar thoughts but, knowing Lynch & Frost, Coop won't recall what Mr C wants. He'll be missing just that particular piece of info or won't understand it. The Fireman will have to cryptically clue Coop in and we'll still be in the dark. Until . . .
None of them were debunked.
Mr C hasn't given anything away regarding his relationship with Richard. Unless it's explicitly stated or shown in another unambiguous way, it's not a given that Mr C is Richard's long lost daddy. For all we know, he may need Richard to get to Audrey for some reason. She may have something he wants. Not needs, wants, of course.
Freddie Green Glove could still be a figment of James' imagination. We may be seeing events as James understands them. James could have turned into Mega Ninja Man and flattened everyone with his Super Electric Fist Punch. Not likely, I know but this is Twin Peaks and stranger things have happened. We need to see Freddie interact with people in a real, meaningful way, not just punch their lights out. Until I see Hawk or Andy, or anyone other than James talking with him, it's ambiguous.
I never expected Coop to wake up and I'll stick me neck out and say most people felt the same. Want/hope/wish are not the same as is and will.
So there.
I think most expected (still expect) dougie to wake up.
I always hoped Dougie would see a barrel being fixed in valley and snap out of it by seeing his real name being literally being shown to him ? ?
Well crafted, sir
I always hoped Dougie would see a barrel being fixed in valley and snap out of it by seeing his real name being literally being shown to him ? ?
Well crafted, sir
I think you're the only person who has worked it out. ?
I haven't bought into a lot of the theories I've seen of the "things aren't what they seem/reality flipped on its head" variety. Most of them have seemed...trite? And I just don't think Lynch is interested in that.
In very general terms, I think it's been a strangely straightforward story. Characters have been who they're portrayed to be, doing the things they're portrayed to be doing. Occam's Razor mostly applies. We might not understand what's going on, and there are clearly some big mysteries. Those are different conversations. But to each their own regarding theorizing.