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seems to me that a punch from Freddie does more than just cause a normal blunt force injury. Those guys were messed up in some entirely other kind of way...
Freddie kicks a$$. I hope they let him out of jail before Mister C gets there.
Yeah and he said he was holding back. Gonna be crazy when he gives it his all. I think the fist is meant for interdimensional beings, so to speak, not humans.
Freddie kicks a$$. I hope they let him out of jail before Mister C gets there.
Something tells me he doesn't need to be let out of jail by anyone lol
Freddie kicks a$$. I hope they let him out of jail before Mister C gets there.
If he needs to get out a simple punch to the wall or bars will do, I imagine.
He is in the jail to protect Naido.......he is where he needs to be.
He is in the jail to protect Naido.......he is where he needs to be.
Good call
He is in the jail to protect Naido.......he is where he needs to be.
also, when Freddie punched those guys, the glove made a certain sound. that sound ~could have~ been put in there for comical purposes, but i'm guessing not. david lynch uses sounds a lot in twin peaks, they seem connected to the black or white lounge:
- the tone that the cylinder-shaped object that major briggs left for bobby made
- the mysterious sound that ben horn and his assistant found in the hotel
- various things that happened in the black lounge in the earlier seasons and season 3
also, when Freddie punched those guys, the glove made a certain sound. that sound ~could have~ been put in there for comical purposes, but i'm guessing not. david lynch uses sounds a lot in twin peaks, they seem connected to the black or white lounge:
- the tone that the cylinder-shaped object that major briggs left for bobby made
- the mysterious sound that ben horn and his assistant found in the hotel
- various things that happened in the black lounge in the earlier seasons and season 3
It also interrupted the song being played both times he punched
also, when Freddie punched those guys, the glove made a certain sound. that sound ~could have~ been put in there for comical purposes, but i'm guessing not. david lynch uses sounds a lot in twin peaks, they seem connected to the black or white lounge:
- the tone that the cylinder-shaped object that major briggs left for bobby made
- the mysterious sound that ben horn and his assistant found in the hotel
- various things that happened in the black lounge in the earlier seasons and season 3
Ben and Beverly were talking about that ring in the office and Beverly said she first noticed it about a week earlier. The old room key showed up that day in the mail that Beverly gave to Ben. I have to think it took just about that same week's time for the key to be mailed from Las Vegas, so I then took it that the ringing must have started close to or exactly at the time that Dougie was swapped with dopey Coop.
Could be the same tone for the glove, hard to say what it means exactly.
I'm not convinced that all of the Roadhouse musical scenes are real. So, I'm not sure if this scene with Freddie (or Freddie himself) is real. Whenever we see Freddie, he is right with James..... Freddie might just be in James's head.
I think the oddity of garden glove man detracted from the real WTFness of that incident which was James doing the simpering approach to Rene in front of her husband.
It was as if he was trying to start a fight...
James seemed a bit brain damaged, after "good to see you again" and her husband getting angry, he starts saying to her "I like you..." and her husband attacks.
An alternative way if Freddie is not attached to james is that his purpose is to die , giving james a chance for redemption and making a stand instead of running,, maybe james will be the glove bearer..