Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
The guy beaten by the green glove. The one who stole billy's truck. Hope this story is leading somewhere, half-cooked abstraction is not funny.
Is has to do with the guy Andy questions in one of the earlier episodes of season 3. Billy might be the one in the cell because of the bleeding which is how he has been described. Audrey is not still in a coma and Richard is definitely her son. So far.
i see a pattern here: truman's wife was annoying/unsympathetic until her agression was explained (she lost her son). I have a feeling this is the trick with the Audrey's scenes: the director wants us to dislike her until he reveals the reason for her being in this state (some big trauma).
Way, way too much emphasis here on plot, details, and logic in a David Lynch project. These things are not part of his modus operandi
Way, way too much emphasis here on plot, details, and logic in a David Lynch project. These things are not part of his modus operandi
Agree. Peripheral reminders of a soap opera that just isn't as important as the mythology and metaphysics.