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I can't get over the whole thing of having several people all together in cells, with only bars separating them. I mean, their toilets are right there. It's not going to be long before Chad's going to need to do a stinky shit. And the rest of the time, surely people are going to be farting. And perhaps at some point young Freddie is going to feel the urge to have a wank, hopefully not with the gloved hand.
Seems like a major punishment for someone not yet actually proven to be guilty...
too damn funny.
Nadio might wish her sense of smell was the one she lacks.
Maybe meditation is the answer
Plus, that oozing guy can't smell real good.
Not to mention when they were taking Naido out of the woods, they said "don't tell anyone about this," and then they just put her in a cell surrounded by a corrupt cop and a drunk.
Having spent time in a UK Police station cell - it's a long story - I can say ours are much better. At least there's privacy. It's bloody cold, though. Not something I care to repeat.
Sam, I feel like I keep getting glimpses into your fascinating life. I feel like someone should properly interview you. I'm sure there's some really intriguing stuff in there...
It also seems like a LOT of cells for such a "small" town.
One explanation I can think about - it's important for the plot for all these people in the cells to see and easily interact with each other.
On a side-note, the entire room with the cells looks to me very different from the premises in which Hank and James were held in S02, for example.
Sam, I feel like I keep getting glimpses into your fascinating life. I feel like someone should properly interview you. I'm sure there's some really intriguing stuff in there...
Heh. It's been an interesting life so far. I wouldn't mind boring tedium for a while. Really.
What unseen thing was Naido feeling or holding?
We know Freddie can't punch Chad since they're a cell apart, unless he has some sort of stretch or extension capability with that glove. Why not? He's a superhero!
We know Freddie can't punch Chad since they're a cell apart, unless he has some sort of stretch or extension capability with that glove. Why not? He's a superhero!
He could break through the bars. And I'm guessing he will.
I have also spent a night in a British cell and can tell you they're not too bad, but extremely cold, and we don't even get a bed.
We get a weird blue mat on the floor that is uncomfortable as hell.
Still, I'd take it over the American cells.