Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
So a few people have written about this without any real responses. Why haven't we seen Teresa Banks in the Lodge/waiting room, since she died with the ring on, and all who die with the ring on are transported to the Lodge/waiting room?
Ray didn't appear did he???
It's not hard to imagine there are thousands - if not millions - of people who died with the ring on, and we don't get to see them, either.
Maybe they're all watching a movie, or gone out to dinner, or something. McDoppelganger's, maybe?
Maybe everyone enters the Black Lodge upon their death and confront their own shadow selves before either being utterly annihalated or getting their angels.
Didn't Hawk (or maybe Major Briggs) say the lodge was a waystation to a further destination, or something along those lines?