Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
To me it would make sense. There's a lot of evil in twin peaks. Perhaps our plane (what is portrayed as physical reality in twin peaks) is actually the black lodge.
The detonation of the A Bomb might suggest this and be a symbol as such. Where else could such evil be created?
I'm not trying to get into a philosophical conversation about reality in general, but more about whether, in the twin peaks universe, could the majority of what we're seeing actually represent the black lodge. We just don't know it yet?
Not even a... Maybe?
I get the impression you like me. That makes me warm and fuzzy.
In the warmest and fuzziest way possible, I have to go with "no" as well- or at least such a diminishingly small "maybe" as to make no difference.
While my own experience of the world around us is such that one might easily ask if we are ALL living in the Black Lodge, I think that asserting that everything we have seen in TPTR thus far is in the lodge is just too much of a reach. It all comes from the inside of DL's (and MF's) head, which is explanation enough for what we see.
I buy the idea that the A bomb fractured the walls between the dimensions, and allowed the Experiment to create a way for these embodying spirits access to our reality (and us to theirs), but the lodge is a different plane. Time, space, the laws of physics operate differently there. And, when and where the walls are particularly thin, occasionally here.
Let us speculate WILDLY though- Fly that Freak Flag high!!
To me, since there's so much other Jungian stuff in all of Lynch's work, I feel that the lodges are the collective unconcious. To Jung, a part of our unconscious mind is shared with everyone. It's a place that is real but not physical, shared among all people, where dream logic applies, along with symbols and archetypes. David Lynch seems to ask, what if you could visit the collective unconcious?
In the warmest and fuzziest way possible, I have to go with "no" as well- or at least such a diminishingly small "maybe" as to make no difference.
While my own experience of the world around us is such that one might easily ask if we are ALL living in the Black Lodge, I think that asserting that everything we have seen in TPTR thus far is in the lodge is just too much of a reach. It all comes from the inside of DL's (and MF's) head, which is explanation enough for what we see.
I buy the idea that the A bomb fractured the walls between the dimensions, and allowed the Experiment to create a way for these embodying spirits access to our reality (and us to theirs), but the lodge is a different plane. Time, space, the laws of physics operate differently there. And, when and where the walls are particularly thin, occasionally here.
Let us speculate WILDLY though- Fly that Freak Flag high!!
I appreciate the warm and fuzzy feelings and throw them right back atcha 🙂
In my mind,. anything is possible. Lynch has shown that he can shock, awe and make us feel betrayed.
It's a hell of a ride 😀
To me, since there's so much other Jungian stuff in all of Lynch's work, I feel that the lodges are the collective unconcious. To Jung, a part of our unconscious mind is shared with everyone. It's a place that is real but not physical, shared among all people, where dream logic applies, along with symbols and archetypes. David Lynch seems to ask, what if you could visit the collective unconcious?
This is kind of what I'm trying to articulate so I appreciate your input.
The lodges overlap. I think it may be too simple to assume there is one lodge, then another, then another.
The physical reality is therefore a lodge in its own right. Right, red, black, whatever. I feel that lynch has an underlying message regarding existence which he might throw at us - one which we may find uncomfortable to acknowledge.
Nah, mate, noooo. Nope. Nae way.
I can see I'm in a minority here. But if I'm correct, you can all spank me on the bum and call me Fred.
Edit: or maybe Bob
Although, the physical plane is rancid and tormented by greed. Therefore I retract; maybe.
Nah, we're the greenish-grey-purpley-pink-off yellow Lodge.
Nowt special about us.
If the discourse in the "real" world was as thoughtful, comsiderate, respectful and witty as it is in this space, the world would be healed.
White. Lodge.
That idea would ignore the information given about the BL in the show & FWWM.
To the extent that it is supernatural (and it seems that very few people discount all things supernatural), it could be considered real but not "physical" in the everyday sense. In interviews about Transcendental Meditation Lynch often refers to some kind of spiritual metaphysics that he links (as is often done) to the mysteries of quantum physics.
One way in which the Black Lodge and the rest obviously does exist on "the physical plane" is in the film itself as a real object with referential content, with actual, describable characteristics.
I take it to be a fascinating fantasy/wishful filmic expression of the as-old-as-humankind attempts in religious and artistic traditions to make sense of things we don't (yet / may never) understand, such as evil. Part of its appeal probably stems from resistance to an increasingly naturalistic, physicalist, atheistic global worldview. Jordan Peterson's revival of the psychology of archetypes relates.
If the discourse in the "real" world was as thoughtful, comsiderate, respectful and witty as it is in this space, the world would be healed.
White. Lodge.
Yes but we here are all exemplars or restraint, good taste, maturity and wit.
I knew I couldn't say that with a straight face. 😉