Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
Mostly I am just curious, because I find the system very encouraging of positive, pro-social nivolvement in the community, which I am interested in fostering in my teaching (grad students).
And, honestly, I just wanna be a deputy so bad!
A part of me LIKES that it is not explicitly spelled oout, and that may be very intentional. But I have this ACADEMIC interest, don't you know...(-;
You're almost there MJ, the Fireman told me so.
You're almost there MJ, the Fireman told me so.
Good to know, deputy.
I really do have a larger interest in how the badge system encourages pro-social participation in the forum. I don't know if there is an algorithm, or if the Fireman just watches us on his screen in the Theater, but I would love to learn from how great this forum works in constructing good on-line forum spaces for my students...I was at an educational technology workshop this week, and talked about Welcome To Twin Peaks a LOT.
I've wanted to know this, too MJ!
Aren't badges simply acquired when you reach a certain number of posts?
I know I went from 'Town Visitor' (I think?) to 'Dweller' when I reached 50 posts. Before that, I think the thresholds were something like 5, 10, 20 or 25 posts. I didn't take notes, I didn't know there was going to be a test. 😉
So I guess Deputy is for when you have 500+ posts.
PS: on mobile you don't get the number of posts others have sent, so you tend to click on the user's name... Only to be greeted with 'You have not permission to this page'. In Soviet Russia, you have not permission to fix spelling, the spelling fixes you!
It is clearly about posts.
Congratulations Deputy Gilbert! I would also like to be a deputy, but I only recently joined, so I may not make it. I don't wish to achieve this honorable status by posting tons of nonsensical things. Either way, the badge looks good on you.
Congratulations Deputy Gilbert! I would also like to be a deputy, but I only recently joined, so I may not make it. I don't wish to achieve this honorable status by posting tons of nonsensical things. Either way, the badge looks good on you.
Be positive, I just got my fifth tree but I'm aiming for more cause I think (hope) the theories when it ends will give plenty to post about
All this brings me back to how much more interesting questions are than answers. I thought there was a complex algorithm involving likes, gracious, pro-social behavior, lack of trolling, providing posts that are insightful and interesting. If it is really just about volume of posts, well, sigh.
The fact that this forum IS marked by the above-mentioned qualities- well, that is just amazing.
All this brings me back to how much more interesting questions are than answers. I thought there was a complex algorithm involving likes, gracious, pro-social behavior, lack of trolling, providing posts that are insightful and interesting. If it is really just about volume of posts, well, sigh.
The fact that this forum IS marked by the above-mentioned qualities- well, that is just amazing.
I think too many of those things are subjective and would require far too much of Pieter's time and energy to determine since I don't think an algorithm can determine "gracious" or "pro social" or "trolling."
However, I may be wrong about that. Skynet may have already developed this.
Woah - did it always say how many posts we'd made? And the 'liked by' has moved...
Woah - did it always say how many posts we'd made? And the 'liked by' has moved...
Woah! That is brand spanking new! FREAKY!
Woah - did it always say how many posts we'd made? And the 'liked by' has moved...
Woah! That is brand spanking new! FREAKY!
Liked - just to freak you out even more! 🙂
Woah - did it always say how many posts we'd made? And the 'liked by' has moved...
Woah! That is brand spanking new! FREAKY!
Liked - just to freak you out even more! 🙂
All sorts of things are changing as we speak!
Pieter, what are you doing to us? Is this the divine plan of the Fireman or has Bob taken over?
Quite right- I WISH there was a "pro-social algorithm"!