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Two traits that are common across humanity are co-operation and conformity. Good survival traits for a relatively small and weak, unspecialized hunter/gatherer species. Also good for living in close proximity when things get easier, otherwise there would be murders everywhere, all the time.
All well and good but it means that many (most?) people also lack the incentive, or spark, if you will to be or to do something different. People who are, or do something different or original are almost always mocked until or unless they become successful. Even then, whatever respect they accrue is subject to withdrawal and/or revision, depending on their last movie/album/painting/invention/the prevailing mood at the time.
The really successful ones are often regarded as prophets, shamen, true artists, whatever respectful terms are appropriate.
Anecdotal evidence warning:
At a party, in my teens, a girl said to me, "You're stupid because you never want to do the same as everyone else. You always have to be different". A real eye opener and since then, I noticed how often I didn't want to follow the crowd.
Everyone, except possibly the most messed up, maladjusted homicidal maniac, wants to belong to something, wants to fit in somewhere. it just so happens I get along best with those who aren't - for want of a better word - Mainstream. I find people talking about their sexual encounters offensive, sports discussions boring, and general stuff about what reality show or soap is popular makes me want to get my gun. I'm not different for the sake of it, it really is the way I am. But, until the conversation with the girl, all those years back, I'd never realized how much, or how many people wanted to conform, be normal and be no different from everyone else. Consider how many adverts play on the "Get in with/Belong to/Fit in with/Join the crowd". Be the same as everyone else, because anything different is frightening. (There's also a huge topic diversion regarding xenophobia, which I believe springs from the same source.)
It really is a world of truck drivers because, by and large, it's a survival trait. The oddballs are a statistical anomaly, and the most reasonable ideas as to why they happen at all point to the random chances of DNA and environment, the fact that nothing is perfect - our genome is almost flat but not entirely - and the good old Statistical Anomaly.
In any case, if there weren't people like Lynch - those who see and do things differently because it's interesting - we wouldn't be here discussing his movies, we'd either have all been wiped out at the time humanity was reduced to around 10,000 people, or fighting with the next nearest tribe of chimpanzees. And the chimpanzees would probably win.