Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
Now where did you manage to find that? I mean, google, yes obviously. But did you just happen across it or was it in a reddit forum or something like that?
I was searching an Odessa picture for adding with Photoshop "Odessa" with the classic green and brown Twin Peaks font (a joke for the spin-off topic).
And found the jack rabbit postcard on Google.
The story of this jack rabbit :
That's AWESOME!!!! ? ? ?
This is a bit heavy in terms of history and seriousness, but I came across this Wikipedia page whilst looking for something else....some hooks in here in terms of Twin Peaks themes...
The ODESSA is an American codename (from the German: Organisation der Ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen, meaning: Organization of Former SS Members) coined in 1946 for a hypothetical Nazi underground escape plan at the end of World War II by a group of SS officers with the aim of facilitating secret escape routes. The routes are also called ratlines. The supposed goal was to allow the SS members to escape to Argentina, Brazil, or the Middle Eastunder false names
Now where did you manage to find that? I mean, google, yes obviously. But did you just happen across it or was it in a reddit forum or something like that?
When I was looking if someone on Reddit had found the Carrie Page house filming location last sunday, I've discovered that the jackrabbit from Odessa had a topic on Reddit many months before I've found it by myself.
Now where did you manage to find that? I mean, google, yes obviously. But did you just happen across it or was it in a reddit forum or something like that?
When I was looking if someone on Reddit had found the Carrie Page house filming location last sunday, I've discovered that the jackrabbit from Odessa had a topic on Reddit many months before I've found it by myself.
Wow! Nice work.
Nice. I don't think it's "the final answer," but I bet there is even more evidence (along the line of Judy's and this jackrabbit) that could fit the interpretation that this Richard fellow dreamed up all of Twin Peaks with cues from his life in Odessa.
I have to wonder how much crazier the show would have been had Lynch let the likes of us research and find the locations, details, icons.................
This is a bit heavy in terms of history and seriousness, but I came across this Wikipedia page whilst looking for something else....some hooks in here in terms of Twin Peaks themes...
The ODESSA is an American codename (from the German: Organisation der Ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen, meaning: Organization of Former SS Members) coined in 1946 for a hypothetical Nazi underground escape plan at the end of World War II by a group of SS officers with the aim of facilitating secret escape routes. The routes are also called ratlines. The supposed goal was to allow the SS members to escape to Argentina, Brazil, or the Middle Eastunder false names
Which is something which sounds like it would be up Mark Frost's street. You could imagine it fitting in quite well with The Secret History.