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“Diane... Entering the town of Twin Peaks.”

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Posted by: Julie Loader

Not sure if this is strictly an observation, but  it's my thread ☺

Who do you think "manufactured"  - Dougie

                               - Mr C

                               - Diane tulpa


And what about Janey E and Sonny Jim? Are they "real"


Good questions. As for J-E and S-J, there has been MUCH debate as for their "realness." I remain on the fence, as with most theories. Fences make good neighbors. 🙂

Dougie. Oh Dougie, Dougie, Dougie, who or what are you and where did you come from......

Alas, I don't know. I'm going to go with Mr C or BOB since the original Dougie was such a louse.

Posted : 15/12/2017 1:32 am
Deja Lee reacted
Posts: 128
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If Sonny Jim is real he's only half real because his father is a tulpa. If Janey-E is also a tulpa (like her tulpa half sister) then Sonny Jim is not real. 

Mr.C made Dougie

Posted : 15/12/2017 1:37 am
Posts: 128
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Posted by: Lucas Bracci
Posted by: Julie Loader

There's no way Lynch let something like an upside down badge be filmed.

When he comes in the diner, the pin is in the right position.

As soon as he is sitting at the table, the pin is upside down and also during the fight. And of course at the moment when he asks for the other waitress (Laura / Carrie).

When we see the pin again, it's when he stands up behind the counter, and the pin is again in the right position.

(I've just rewatched quickly parts from episodes 1,2,3, 17 and 18, and apparently the pin is always "OK").

So, I dunno what to think about this, but it's not a coincidence.

Another diner inconsistency is how Coop/Richard only disarms two of the three guys but when he is at the fryer he fries three guns (retaining his own)

Posted : 15/12/2017 1:41 am
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Posted by: Brandy Fisher
Posted by: Julie Loader

Not sure if this is strictly an observation, but  it's my thread ☺

Who do you think "manufactured"  - Dougie

                               - Mr C

                               - Diane tulpa


And what about Janey E and Sonny Jim? Are they "real"


Good questions. As for J-E and S-J, there has been MUCH debate as for their "realness." I remain on the fence, as with most theories. Fences make good neighbors. 🙂

Dougie. Oh Dougie, Dougie, Dougie, who or what are you and where did you come from......

Alas, I don't know. I'm going to go with Mr C or BOB since the original Dougie was such a louse.

I was talking about original Dougie - the one who ran up gambling debts and used prostitutes.  Janey E could be real and be a half sister to real Diane. But Sonny must be part tulpa. Dougie must've been ok when he first met Janey E because she would never have married a loser, unless of course shs is a tulpa, too. I think she's real. She knew that Coop wasn't Dougie . She said to Coop " whoever you are, thank you "

Coop could've manufactured Dougie as he knew he needed somewhere to go when leaving the lodge? Or fireman?

Mr C most likely manufactured Dougie and made him a target for hitmen in the hope that Coop would be killed by mistake. ...?

Posted : 15/12/2017 1:58 am
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Posted by: dopplearb
Posted by: Lucas Bracci
Posted by: Julie Loader

There's no way Lynch let something like an upside down badge be filmed.

When he comes in the diner, the pin is in the right position.

As soon as he is sitting at the table, the pin is upside down and also during the fight. And of course at the moment when he asks for the other waitress (Laura / Carrie).

When we see the pin again, it's when he stands up behind the counter, and the pin is again in the right position.

(I've just rewatched quickly parts from episodes 1,2,3, 17 and 18, and apparently the pin is always "OK").

So, I dunno what to think about this, but it's not a coincidence.

Another diner inconsistency is how Coop/Richard only disarms two of the three guys but when he is at the fryer he fries three guns (retaining his own)

Yes I  knew about that one.


We know Lynch is meticulous,  so not likely. 


Posted : 15/12/2017 1:59 am
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Ep 17 at the sheriff station  when Coop says "we live inside a dream" it is slowed down.... 

Meeting of two timelines? The clock can't seem to get past 2.58..

Posted : 15/12/2017 2:02 am
Deja Lee reacted
Posts: 618
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Posted by: Julie Loader

Ep 17 at the sheriff station  when Coop says "we live inside a dream" it is slowed down.... 

Meeting of two timelines? The clock can't seem to get past 2.58..

These are the lasts seconds on the screen of Dale Cooper with NO FBI pin.

Just after that, "Dale ?" "Cooper?" and Dale is disappearing like Phillip Jeffries.


In the boiling room with Diane and Gordon, and until the end of part 17 (and all part 18), Cooper gets his FBI pin again on his jacket.

Posted : 15/12/2017 4:48 am
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Posted by: dopplearb

Another diner inconsistency is how Coop/Richard only disarms two of the three guys but when he is at the fryer he fries three guns (retaining his own)

I was thinking the same thing but someone here some weeks ago told me that the 2nd cowboy dropped his gun when Cooper shot him in the foot.

So there are really 3 guns on the floor even if we don't see them.


Posted : 15/12/2017 5:01 am
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Spambots again aaaaargh!

Posted : 16/12/2017 1:34 pm
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Episode 17

The scene in Sarahs living room.  You hear the moans but can't see Sarah. In the owl mirror there is a light that shines and dims....... Judy?

Sarah can't  erase Lauras image only the glass.

Posted : 10/01/2018 10:10 pm
Deja Lee reacted
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Episode 17

What makes Trumans hat move? No bullet holes....

What are the two photographs of behind Lucy as she shoots?

Posted : 10/01/2018 10:38 pm
Deja Lee reacted
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The Bob orb makes tbe same sound as the thing that came out of the glass box

Posted : 10/01/2018 10:44 pm
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Episode 17

Since when were Coop and Diane /tulpa Diane  in love? When did this happen? 

Posted : 10/01/2018 10:52 pm
Deja Lee reacted
Posts: 546
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Posted by: Julie Loader

Episode 17

Since when were Coop and Diane /tulpa Diane  in love? When did this happen? 

That was the thing that bothered me the most on my initial viewing. It still bothers me, actually.

Maybe they could have been in some communication if Diane was Naido in a Lodge space while Dale was in the Lodge, but that doesn't seem to fit, since he doesn't recognize her as Naido. Diane tells Cole et al that they had kissed ONCE prior to the rape, so there's that (I am presuming that even though it was tulpa-Diane, she had Diane's memories; I suppose you could question that), but one kiss does not a romance make.

When they kissed in 17, the first time I saw it, I thought, "No. This doesn't feel right. I don't care for it." So, either we are just kind of being TOLD they had a thing - which feels really at odds with how Lynch tends to do things in a certain way - or we should be interpreting all of this differently.

There is the theory out there that Naido/Diane is actually Judy. I don't know that I buy into that, but it is something interesting to think about. Diane's hair color, and black and white fingernails, do continue to strike me as something of a red flag (no pun intended)

Posted : 10/01/2018 11:23 pm
Posts: 2608
Posted by: Cæmeron Crain
Posted by: Julie Loader

Episode 17

Since when were Coop and Diane /tulpa Diane  in love? When did this happen? 

That was the thing that bothered me the most on my initial viewing. It still bothers me, actually.

Maybe they could have been in some communication if Diane was Naido in a Lodge space while Dale was in the Lodge, but that doesn't seem to fit, since he doesn't recognize her as Naido. Diane tells Cole et al that they had kissed ONCE prior to the rape, so there's that (I am presuming that even though it was tulpa-Diane, she had Diane's memories; I suppose you could question that), but one kiss does not a romance make.

When they kissed in 17, the first time I saw it, I thought, "No. This doesn't feel right. I don't care for it." So, either we are just kind of being TOLD they had a thing - which feels really at odds with how Lynch tends to do things in a certain way - or we should be interpreting all of this differently.

There is the theory out there that Naido/Diane is actually Judy. I don't know that I buy into that, but it is something interesting to think about. Diane's hair color, and black and white fingernails, do continue to strike me as something of a red flag (no pun intended)

I agree, it felt....weird.....

However, when Tulpa Diane is telling the FBI trio about her experience with Mr. C (that she thought was Cooper) she said that when "Cooper" kissed her, it wasn't the first time. Thus, something had happened between them in the past. Cooper never occurred to me as a "sleep with your secretary" type since that might be considered unethical. But perhaps I am wrong and holding him up to an unreasonable standard.

Posted : 11/01/2018 3:16 pm
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