Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
Chechov's Gun doesn't HAVE to be a person. Take episode 1 for example, we see Dr. Jacoby painting some shovels gold. What does it mean??? We find out later that it's for a commercial he made to turn around and resell them. Lynch went out of his way to show us something (gold shovels) and then several episodes later he pulled the trigger and showed us the result (they were an element to sell), when during the entire time many of us were POSITIVE it was going to be gold shovels to break ground for a new Ghostwood.
Another example of a non-human Chechov's Gun (but this time where it didn't get fired) is with the Glass Box in New York. Lynch shows it to us a few times, but never fully explains WHY it's there. Yes, we are left to our own devices to figure it out, and that's fine (especially now that Lynch has given us the permission to make Twin Peaks our own). BUT... THIS form of Chechov's Gun can also be called a Red Herring (an element of presenting something that really goes nowhere - a device process to trick or fool the audience).
Personally, I don't think Lunch likes red herrings in his story (just based on the behind the scenes footage and other interviews). So.. one could even posit that he is giving his audience a story that directly opposes the stereotypical "hollywood blockbuster" in which every element must be spoon fed to the viewer.
THAT is exactly what my original statement was all about; we have all become so used to seeing an element in a movie or tv show and assuming that it HAS to mean something (chekhov's gun), when actually what Lynch is doing is just showing us a very elaborate universe.
Look around you, where you currently are. On my desk are several little nick-knacks. If a camera were on me and I was a character in a show, and the phone rang, I may pick up a little figure of an owl that I have sitting here to fiddle with while I talk. To a viewer that owl HAS to mean something! It HAS to! In reality, I only picked it up to keep my hands busy so that I don't end up browsing the internet while I'm talking and loosing my concentration on the conversation. I think that is exactly what Lynch is doing in a lot of his shots. Some things are just there because in his Twin Peaks universe, things are there because that's what the characters surround themselves with and by virtue of that, we are exposed to those things. Likewise there are colorful characters that interact with our loved characters (the screaming car lady that bobby briggs interacts with, for example).
Then again, maybe Lynch is just trolling all of us hahahahahahahahahaha , we're all mad here! Twin Peaks is not what it seems!
I already knew what it meant. But as I said, I went to the website you recommended and read what they had to say and their definition was NOT what you are saying about an important character popping up over and over again. Perhaps you should go read your recommendation yourself.
Chekov's cliffhanger...
Is it about Star Trek ?
Chekov's cliffhanger...
Is it about Star Trek ?
no no no.. that's Chechov's GUNS! BUT.. what about that bag of flour???!!! What does it mean???!!! Chechov's Cookies!!!
Chekov's cliffhanger...
Is it about Star Trek ?
no no no.. that's Chechov's GUNS! BUT.. what about that bag of flour???!!! What does it mean???!!! Chechov's Cookies!!!
Um excuse me but I don't see any sugar. Maybe it's Chekhov's bread or biscuits or paste. ?
Chekov's cliffhanger...
Is it about Star Trek ?
It's not about the Star Trek.
- Deputy Hawk
In this OK Corral vs Star Trek episode, Spock is telling us the secret of The Return.
"nothing we are seeing and feeling is real".
In this OK Corral vs Star Trek episode, Spock is telling us the secret of The Return.
"nothing we are seeing and feeling is real".
"The smallest doubt would be enough to kill you."
What I think is hilarious is that in one afternoon we have somehow twistedly connected the universes of Twin Peaks and Star Trek...
What I think is hilarious is that in one afternoon we have somehow twistedly connected the universes of Twin Peaks and Star Trek...
It was bound to happen....... ?
Part 17
When Gerrard and Coop visit Jefferies , we see a motel but they don't go to it.
Is it the same motel that Coop and Diane go to and have sex in Part 18?
Part 18
In that motel room where Coop and Diane have sex, the next morning we see a glimpse of wood panel that looks like it's from the great Northern?
Was not the same motel. But probably the same as the one from FWWM.
Interesting catch about the panel. Could be.
What is the significance of Carries house being number 1516?
What is the significance of Carries house being number 1516?
Could be something, could just be the numbers on the house they chose for filming.