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I'm wondering if Charlie is TMFAP tulpa.
EOTA talks about little girl down the lane and makes or tries to make Coop non-existant , so Charlie talks about the little girl and can end Audreys story
Hmmmm, never looked at it that way. I suppose it could be.
Why else would Lynch choose a small person to play Audreys husband!
I'm wondering if Charlie is TMFAP tulpa.
EOTA talks about little girl down the lane and makes or tries to make Coop non-existant , so Charlie talks about the little girl and can end Audreys story
We all thought he was an odd choice for Audreys husband but it makes sense now!
Yeah, I have a thought or 2.
We all HATED Charlie for Audrey, it was sick and wrong. How dare that little man throttle Audrey's existence?
At first I thought he was her doctor, obvious by the fact she was in some sort of home or asylum at the end.
And after this I am starting to think he is/was her doctor but he was TMFAP tulpa, sent to control her so she didn't get out of line.
Good call, I see it now!
P.S. Also a good way to get back at Michael J Anderson for some things he said to the media...
Yeah, I have a thought or 2.
We all HATED Charlie for Audrey, it was sick and wrong. How dare that little man throttle Audrey's existence?
At first I thought he was her doctor, obvious by the fact she was in some sort of home or asylum at the end.
And after this I am starting to think he is/was her doctor but he was TMFAP tulpa, sent to control her so she didn't get out of line.
Good call, I see it now!
P.S. Also a good way to get back at Michael J Anderson for some things he said to the media...
I second that!
Yes I agree about the comments from Anderson.
I feel Audrey really was at the roadhouse but she was only daydreaming about the announcement of Audreys song and that the crowd was swaying.... she snapped out of it when the fight broke out and Charlie transported her back to Lodge
What if the scene where Coopand Diane have sex is before the curtain call scene!
That's why they ask each other "is it really you?"
And " do you remember everything? "
And that's why the kiss in the sheriff station is so passionate. They've fallen in love!
I am a big fan of the theory of watching episodes 17 and 18 simultaneously. It worked for me and lifted my glum mood after watching 18 (no other tv show has left me feeling so sick to my gut than that episode). If you watch them simultaneously, it backs up your thoughts above and makes the scene in episode 17 make complete sense.
What if the scene where Coopand Diane have sex is before the curtain call scene!
That's why they ask each other "is it really you?"
And " do you remember everything? "
And that's why the kiss in the sheriff station is so passionate. They've fallen in love!
I just joined this forum to say that I agree. I've had the nagging suspicion that the end of episode 17, in the Sheriff's Station, is meant to be the end of the timeline (it's the further forward in any Twin Peaks history except for maybe the end of FWWM). The end of 18... I'm not sure where we are. I'm not even sure why we're trying to get Laura to meet her mother. But I feel like it comes before the first episode of The Return. Still trying to put together how that would work, but Diane and Naido don't make much sense to me, unless at some point in the past Cooper and Diane were together and separated, which is kind of what we see in 18.
I think we can break the timeline up in at least three ways:
first timeline: the original series and FWWM. Laura dies, Cooper investigates. At the end, he is trapped in the lodge.
second timeline: Cooper emerges from the waiting room, somehow travels into the past with Gordon and Diane accompanying him to the basement of the Great Northern, "saves" Laura and then either returns to the waiting room and or hangs out in the world as a double. This timeline co-exists with the first to the point that Laura is saved. Then something weird happens. Time splits. There's a living Laura and a dead Laura.
third timeline: Cooper and Diane, reunited after 25 years where Laura is not dead, follow the advice of the Giant to travel 430 miles somewhere. We end up with Richard and Linda. This timeline only crosses the first at the point where future Dale travels backwards to save Laura.
Just a quick thought. I'm not even sure that makes total sense, but I'm convinced it sort of falls in line with the figure 8 that Jeffries shows us. That's the shape of the entire story in my head, only there's two sides to the figure 8, like a moebius strip.
I think the jumping man and Nrs Tremonds grandson are both symbolising the white horse which is a symbol for Judy.
Jumpingman kind of neighs with head up like a horse and grandson runs and jumps like a horse in dressage/steeplechase.
They both have white face with long nose.
Anyone else have an opinion on this?
If the white horse is a symbol for Judy, would the figurine in Carrie Page's place indicate that Judy is keeping an eye on her?
Could be.
Or kind of like she reveres her like an idol (on the mantle piece ) wait, or even a trophy, like she'd beaten Judy? (Killing the guy?)
The dead guy in Carries house had a stomach like Mr C when the Bob orb was leaving.
I wish Coop had asked her about that. He seemed like he knew not to?
Jumpingman kind of neighs with head up like a horse and grandson runs and jumps like a horse in dressage/steeplechase.
They both have white face with long nose.
Could the sounds from the gramophone in episode 1 be in reverse?
I've always thought that I could hear an almost human voice in it. Maybe backwards talk?
Leland danced to a record...