Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
One step location was unknown, but now it's complete and this is Mr C. journey in The Return.
1 : Many places in South Dakota.
- Peaks up Ray and Darya at Buella's
- Shoots Phyllis Hastings in Buckhorn
- Kills Jack
- Kills Darya
- Talks to Jeffries (or someone else)
- Crashes his car
- Detained in Yankton
- Meets the FBI in prison
- Leaves the prison with Ray
2 : Somewhere between South Dakota and Idaho.
- shot by Ray
- Reconstructed by the woodsmen
3 : A farm in Idaho.
- Chantal cares his wounds
- Texts Diane and calls Duncan in Vegas
- Leaves the farm in a Chevrolet Silverado
4 : Somewhere in another farm in Western Montana.
- Wins an hand-wrestling contest
- Kills Ray
5 : Near Snoqualmie in Washington state.
Yes, Snoqualmie, the real city where many scenes of the original series, FWWM and The Return were filmed.
Take a look at this topic :
- Goes to the Convenience Store.
- Above the Convenience Store, goes to The Dutchman's "motel"
- Speaks to Jeffries / Machine
- Meets his son Richard as he leaves the Convenience Store
6 : Near Jackson Hole in Wyoming
- Goes to fake coordinates
- Sends Richard on the top of the hill. Richard is electrocuted.
7 : Twin Peaks, Washington state.
- Goes to other coordinates near Jack Rabbit's Palace
- Trapped by the Fireman
- Sent at Sheriff's Office in Twin Peaks by the Fireman
- Killed by Freddie Sykes with his green glove.
8 : Not on the map. Somewhere. In the red room.
Hey little girl is your daddy home
Did he go away and leave you all alone
I got a bad desire
Oh Oh Oh
I'm on fire
Excellent work sir!!!
Were the coordinates actually discovered to be at Jackson Hole? I don't remember.
I remember that Jerry was found near that area.......................
Were the coordinates actually discovered to be at Jackson Hole? I don't remember.
I remember that Jerry was found near that area.......................
Yes, Jerry was found naked by Jackson Hole police officers.
So, I guess that the fake coordinates were near Jackson Hole.
Phone conversation in part 17 :
Is your name Ben?
Got a guy here...
no identification, won't give his name,
says he's your brother.
Says his binoculars killed somebody.That's my brother, Jerry Horne.
Is he charged with anything?No.
I'll make arrangements to get him home.
What's your name again?Sergeant Williams, Jackson Hole Police.
And you can send clothes.
When we picked him up,
he was completely naked.
But yes, it's not 100% sure, we don't know how many time and how many miles he walks or runs naked after the "bad binoculars".
Brandy, as you are a local, have you seen these signs around Snoqualmie ?
I've virtually drive with Google on many roads around Snoqualmie and seen none.
For me, this is one of the big question in The Return.
Why David Lynch is catching our attention during 15 seconds on a sign enlightened by the car ?
And when this sign can be read (with the pause button) it's a real sign of a filming location city.
The Convenience Store was buildt in Snoqualmie / North Bend Area (at least a fake frontage).
The Dutchman's is the Mt. Si Motel in North Bend.
So ? And why for a Mr C. scene ?
And if this "Entering City of Snoqualmie" is not an official one, I'm going to be crazy.
I assumed after the binoculars offended Jerry, he just kept walking, naked, all the way to Jackson Hole. But I never thought the coordinates actually pointed to JH. I'm figuring somewhere between TP and Western Montana. I'd like to say that if it weren't dark we could figure it out by the landscape, but that has been an exercise in colossal futility in the past.
It seems that somebody has managed in the past to look up all the coordinates. I have no idea where they would be now.
It seems that somebody has managed in the past to look up all the coordinates. I have no idea where they would be now.
Somewhere on reddit, no doubt. Like everything else nowadays ?