Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
Wait, what? 😉
Annnnnd, the original interview:
=:-o =:-0 =:-O
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And, here's the book mentioned in the Guardian interview:
Sorry if this book has been mentioned here before! 😉
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Compared to other publications I've seen on David Lynch, this one looks like it could be massive. I like the style choice that the author chose with this also, it seems the kind that would draw out more information from your subject. I'll have to see if my local store will be carrying this or if I'll need to purchase it online.
Compared to other publications I've seen on David Lynch, this one looks like it could be massive. I like the style choice that the author chose with this also, it seems the kind that would draw out more information from your subject. I'll have to see if my local store will be carrying this or if I'll need to purchase it online.
The book is written by Lynch himself (along with Kristine McKenna). And it is 592 pages long. 😉
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From The Guardian interview:
There is a theory that Lynch himself doesn’t always know what is going on in his stories. He shoots this down. “I need to know for myself what things mean and what’s going on. Sometimes I get ideas, and I don’t know exactly what they mean. So I think about it, and try to figure it out, so I have an answer for myself.”
Audiences, however, must do their own figuring out. “I don’t ever explain it. Because it’s not a word thing. It would reduce it, make it smaller.” These days he rarely gives interviews, not even during the hugely hyped return of Twin Peaks last year – a show that is still debated as either the best or worst TV of 2017. “When you finish anything, people want you to then talk about it. And I think it’s almost like a crime,” he explains. “A film or a painting – each thing is its own sort of language and it’s not right to try to say the same thing in words. The words are not there. The language of film, cinema, is the language it was put into, and the English language – it’s not going to translate. It’s going to lose.”
A film or TV show is like a magic act, he continues, “and magicians don’t tell how they did a thing”. He hates the idea of behind-the-scenes footage or making-of films about special effects. “People do it for sales, for money. But the film is the thing and should be protected.”
So no guidance on Twin Peaks: The Return’s finale, which fleetingly resolved some storylines only to fracture them and create new puzzles? Even diehard fans yearned for clarity.
Lynch smiles. “No way.”
And then there is this, which was disappointing for me personally, because I certainly liked the idea (and, in particular, the results) of synchronizing the final two episodes:
He does, however, squash the theory, much loved by some Peakers, that the last two parts of the 18-hour series should be watched simultaneously on two screens, with dialogue overlapping. “Yeah, I heard that. It’s bullshit. See, it’s beautiful that someone came up with this. You could double-expose scenes in lots of films and it could conjure some fantastic thing.”
Rats!! Another good theory ruined by the facts! Oh, well. 😉
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This was Lynch's FB post:
Dear Mr. President,
This is David Lynch writing. I saw that you re-tweeted the Breitbart article with the heading – Director David Lynch: Trump ‘Could Go Down as One of the Greatest Presidents in History.’ I wish you and I could sit down and have a talk. This quote which has traveled around was taken a bit out of context and would need some explaining.
Unfortunately, if you continue as you have been, you will not have a chance to go down in history as a great president. This would be very sad it seems for you – and for the country. You are causing suffering and division.
It’s not too late to turn the ship around. Point our ship toward a bright future for all. You can unite the country. Your soul will sing. Under great loving leadership, no one loses – everybody wins. It’s something I hope you think about and take to heart. All you need to do is treat all the people as you would like to be treated.
David Lynch
I wonder......
"I found one heretic, a Dutch journalist, who confessed he had been bored. Other guests bristled: could he not see the brilliance? The Dutchman filed a negative review but his editors ran a different one, proclaiming a television milestone. The Lynch train was rolling."
Interesting thought about the Dutchman, nice find Brandy! Also, uber thanks for the FB post. What a wonderful sentiment - what a clear mind.
Those "Lynch says Trump is Great!" clickbait headlines were so frustrating. For those interested, here's the full quote/portion the article because, you know, context and whatnot:
"He could go down as one of the greatest presidents in history because he has disrupted the thing so much. No one is able to counter this guy in an intelligent way.” While Trump may not be doing a good job himself, Lynch thinks, he is opening up a space where other outsiders might. “Our so-called leaders can’t take the country forward, can’t get anything done. Like children, they are. Trump has shown all this.”
Indeed. One must read the entire paragraph to get what Lynch was saying, not just parse a line or two. I took it as objective commentary, not either applause or derision for the current President.
I've been thinking about this headline for the better part of all the time recently. I go back and forth between, "never meet your heroes", and, "Surreal chaos? why wouldn't Lynch like that?"
Glad to know that it was a much more nuanced utterance. I don't book face time, or face book time, or whatever. In the end I decided that Lynch has extolled the virtues of meditation and deep thinking. Taking a wider perspective. Perhaps, assuming that time moves on, a bungling, feckless, morally bankrupt clown for president could be a monumental turning point for all the citizens who feel like the old style isn't working. Both left and right have people saying that. Maybe someone has to fling feces at the slate for us to finally wipe it clean and make it better. I was ready to give DL the benefit of the doubt. I trust that he peers deeply.