Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
New to the forum, but have been enjoying since the beginning.
Was on vacation in Arizona last winter, and went to an old town named Chloride to view some murals by a famous artist on some boulders outside of town. Took some pictures, but they turned out bad looking into the direct sun, but the impressive murals look very similar to many of the images used throughout TP. Even the title mural was The Journey - images from an inward search for self. Easy to search out the images, perhaps someone with more technical skills than me can post some up. Inspiration can come from many places, and these murals are certainly in the spirit of the show.
There was also an old abandoned gas station in that town that sure looked like a model for the gas station portal in TP. Our picture of the old gas station turned out better, and I tried attaching it to this post, so hopefully there will be something to see. It shows it as being up-side-down, so I hope it comes out correctly.
Don’t know if anyone involved with the show has ever been to Chloride, but my wife and I were amazed at some of the similarities. Sure fun to look at after enjoying the show. Cheers.
Hello and welcome.
You can find this kind of old gas stations all along Route 66, specially in the Arizona and eastern California part.
Some are really from the 1920-1940 era.
Other ones were buildt more recently with genuine old gas pumps.