I got something different using this convertor https://www.gps-coordinates.net/gps-coordinates-converter
23431 Ditch Creek Rd, Hill City, SD 57745, USA Central in the forest
Love the blog in all its gaudy late 90s glory. No one would look twice at it and take it seriously even though Hastings was dabbling with danger.
The red line of text on the reading list that says it's link that says it will take you to another web site isn't hotlinked. I googled the sentence and this is the first and only hit for this phrase.
"fred's blog" is a link to a dead wordpress, but this is the same username for an semi-active Twitter. https://twitter.com/mishscifimusing?lang=en (check out the Dirty Dancing remake as parallel universe tweet lol)
So the site has been up and running since 1997. The very same year that Dougie Jones appears in this world. This means that there is a link between Hastings and Dougie Jones after all. I'm thinking of course of the ring the found inside Major Briggs' body. Maybe Hastings and Dougie actually have met.
So David Lynch has worked with Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails and The Nine Inch Nails. During his Year Zero release Trent Reznor played with hiding clues in audio files by using digitally encoded noise. I am looking to do that with the wave files on this site, does anyone else have experience with it and might want to try.
So analyzing the sound in Spek didn't show any visual but it showed large volume in frequencies below the natural hearing range I am playing with a pitch shifter now.
Love the blog in all its gaudy late 90s glory. No one would look twice at it and take it seriously even though Hastings was dabbling with danger.
GeoCities is the perfect cover!
The first article/link seems to explain the glass box.
Also when you copy paste the link to another page like Facebook, a picture of a mic with a curtain appears.
Interesting choice for the spinning earth .gif below Hastings' picture. Seems like they intentionally chose one that has a transparent little hole in it to represent the glare from the sun. The reflection is not just a reflection now, but a little hole into the space beyond earth that opens and closes.
For reference, here's how the gif appears on the site with the space background behind it versus the original gif with transparency.
I did have a quick go at reducing the noise in the WAV files, and the only one where anything seemed to be revealed was interference 2, where it sounds like there's a voice. I didn't get it clear enough to be able to work out what was being said though.
When they mentioned 'the zone', I remembered parts of Thomas Pynchon's book Gravity's Rainbow, where 'the zone' was referenced as parts of war ravaged Germany in and after WWII
^^ also was identified that 'the zone' was where the V2 rockets could be found in the novel