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Mr. C (Bad Coop) tells Hutch to kill the warden and then says he has a doubleheader for him in Vegas after that.
One is obviously Cooper but who is the 2nd person he wants dead in Vegas?
I think Mr. C would have his sights on Mr. Todd rather than Ike.
Not directly linked, but wasn't Ray going to that farm? Where did he go, and why aren't they talking about him?
Doubleheader may be Janey-E and Sonny Jim, or Dougie and Janey-E or Dougie and DT (in case the last didn't manage to kill Coop one more time), etc.
A lot of people to kill in Las Vegas these days.
It could be Ike, may be the Casino manager he called, or we also don't know who he expects/plans to be in Vegas
Heh and having Tim Roth in TP is simply AWESOME
2 of these 3 i guess..
Also yes Tim Roth in Twin Peaks is so awesome! Jenn J. Leigh as well!
My guess is Dougie and someone else. I don't think it will be Todd, he seems like he is useful and has his head switched on. Ike (and the luck of the lodge) was the reason for Ike's failure to kill Dougie, so it would seem silly to then kill Todd. To oppose my own argument, Mr C. could see Todd as a loose end who knows to much, and might expect his business in Vegas to conclude once Dougie is killed, so of course would "clean up". I am excited to see who Roth tries to kill, as those scenes will likely be some of the best in the season.
I think finishing DougieDale is Todd's job. So after that, Todd has to be killed. This is the way they work, remember? Lorraine was supposed to kill Dougie, when she failed, Ike was sent to kill her and Dougie.
So now I think the doubleheader are Todd and Ike.
My guess is Dougie/Coop and Ike.
Todd was hired to "monitor" Dougie. He's now doing the final requests from Mr. C as he ordered him to kill Lorraine and Dougie. Lorraine is dead, but Ike failed and now got caught and Dougie roams "free". Now his agenda could be compromised. If Mr. C wants Todd dead it's because he's failed at his job, as he is clearly afraid and obedient of Mr. C, doesn't seem seem like the kind of guy who would double cross him. So I guess it's more of a punishment than a measure of security to kill Todd, if he is to be killed by Hutch.
Well Mr C told DT to hurry up and kill Dougie. Assuming DT succeeds, Mr C probably means for Hutch to kill DT and ike or even Roger. Since DT will not succeed, it has to be Dougie and DT? Unless he has already given up on DT, bad coop probably doesn't know who yet.