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Like evil trying to corrupt good at its source?
I'm just thinking the coordinates DoppelDale is after might be the entrance to the White Lodge.
And maybe 10/1 to 10/2 is the time frame it will stay open...?
This is a wild guess.
This occured to me as well ts afternoon, as I was churning on last night's episode. What did the giant (the Fireman) say in part 1? "It is in our house now". The White lodge under attack from the Black (in the guise of Dark Dale...).
This occured to me as well ts afternoon, as I was churning on last night's episode. What did the giant (the Fireman) say in part 1? "It is in our house now". The White lodge under attack from the Black (in the guise of Dark Dale...).
I had the same thought while I was rewatching the series last week. That scene w/Cooper and the Fireman is in the future and basically foreshadows the "battle" between Mr C and Coop (and one of the reasons that it needs to take place).
Mm, I still think that Coop & Giant thing wasn't in the future. I think either past (black and white like the 40's & 50's scenes), or outside of time.
And I'm still not sure the Giant's place and that purple sea are White Lodge. Because White Lodge was described as idyllic and connected with nature. While the purple sea : if the Black Lodge waiting room flooring caves in, you fall down to the purple sea. That's off : if an evil doppelgänger tree at the bad place confronts you and makes you fall off the ground, you come to the good place.