Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
The three fold nature of God.
Wowee did we take a trip in the way back machine.....go thru the wiki to read more about the poem the test was based on. I'm at a loss for words ?
And the poem the blast was named after
capitalist state's 'experiment model' of never ending golden surplus profit-enjoyment, attempt to impose a false god/atom:
Father: woodsmen-bob(harness void/destruction to be able to create a model laura, an obscene travesty in New York and in fire walk with we, walk in teh fire of teh atom bomb)
Mother: Laura(solid atom, everyone must chase the golden laura, and go crazy trying to find it)
Spirit: Radio station, convenience store
* above should say: Son/Daughter: mother-laura, not Mother: Laura
Also, the father/woodsmen are chasing the golden atom-surplus profit with blind rage outside of law, at any cost, hiding from the fact of its inexistence(atom bomb), trying to recreate the golden calf/atom with an experiment model, tearing the world apart, making it into an obscene travesty(the tragedy of laura/Jesus) and barring good cooper in the process