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Ok, What Did I Just Watch?

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So is Laura the Giant? Is that why in the credits have ?????? for that character. 

Posted : 25/06/2017 10:23 pm
Posts: 234
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Posted by: henrysteiger

My mind is f*cked. All I can suggest is this.. From the ideas brought forth in The Secret History Of Twin Peaks's esoteric references, nuclear tests and such pursuits were tied in with occult rituals. Such rituals intended to rip open the fabric of reality itself and make contact with.. other intelligences.

It's interesting we always seem to see the "demons," but never the "magicians" who seek to bring them forth for their unknown purposes.

I believe in this episode we see the activation of activities of these demons, spirits, aliens, WHATEVER, into our modern world. 

"Mama" certainly seems to be the entity from the glass box office n the early episodes of this season.  She seems to give birth or bring forth evil into our world, specifically Bob.  

I cannot begin to comprehend what The Giant or his rotund female companion were doing or the significance of Laura in that golden globe..

The grimy bearded men who "healed" Evil Cooper- no idea.  Although they seem like.. an endless LEGION of demons? 

The scenes of "Got a Light" demon ("I am the water I am the well") and the alien creature crawling into the throats of that girl are among the most horrifying and beautiful images I've seen on film. But I have no interpretation.


I didn't read the secret history of twin peaks, but I think I got (and didn't get) pretty much the same as you.


Maybe I didn't miss that much after all. The part with the giant, that lady, and Laura seem very important. That's what I was hoping to get from this post (as well as confirmation of what I thought).

Posted : 25/06/2017 10:23 pm
henrysteiger reacted
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That was absolutely incredible.  I have no idea where or even how it fits in with the story and I don't care. Emotionally, it was one of the most compelling things I've ever experienced. I almost don't even want to think about how it fits in. The sense of awe and wonder watching the tower scene with the Giant was amazing. 

Posted : 25/06/2017 10:23 pm
Posts: 1
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I agree?

Posted : 25/06/2017 10:26 pm
Posts: 19
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In many ways, it's anyone's guess at this point. 


However it seems that the nuclear explosion/mushroom cloud potentially opened a portal in which evil could travel through. This is not uncommon within our own reality, as many people recount experiences like this, but rarely speak of them. These portals, created by negative energy, allow the passage of dark beings/entities to pass into the world. Perhaps this is where the dark 'charcoal' souls came from, while the 'mother' seems to have birthed BOB and most likely other entities that need to enter a human in order to walk the earth/physically manifest within the world of man.


The egg and the hybrid creature that hatched out of it, though.... now that really escapes me. Really interested to see what becomes of that.

Posted : 25/06/2017 10:29 pm
Darko Colic, dianneshaw691, henrysteiger and 1 people reacted
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I assumed that the giant and that lady put Laura on earth in the form of that bug and the little girl was Sarah.  

Posted : 25/06/2017 10:31 pm
Posts: 66
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The nuclear explosion rips a hole between dimensions.  The denizens of the other dimension must spread, but are not able to blend in.  They require a host to ride in, much like a horse. Once possessed of a host, they can act on their desire to procreate. 

Posted : 25/06/2017 10:31 pm
Posts: 66
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Oh, I hope not..l

Posted : 25/06/2017 10:33 pm
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So the atomic bomb goes off forming enough garmonbozia to create Bob. The creation of Bob causes an alarm to go off in the tower, which the giant notices and turns off. He goes upstairs and finds Bob by using the screen to pinpoint his location. He flies up and opens his mind, plucking Bob from the strand. A round sphere floats from the head of the giant to the woman from the first floor. We have previously associated these spheres with souls. Laura Palmer's face appears on the sphere and the woman kisses it, then sends it into the world...specifically Twin Peaks. My interpretation is that Laura was created as a way to counteract Bob. I have no clue what the smokey men represent, but minor demons that feed off death is my initial understanding.

Posted : 25/06/2017 10:44 pm
SamXTherapy, Jocelyn Rowe, dianneshaw691 and 4 people reacted
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The Secret History Of Twin Peaks is by no means essential but it's a real treat. It roots the mythology of Twin Peaks into the "real world" through (embellished) historical events, places, and persons related to esoteric history.  Aleister Crowley, L Ron Hubbard, Jack Parsons, and various traditions of thought on aliens, angels, demons, etc.  Learning about Jack Parsons, a rocket scientist for NASA who literally believed he could unleash Bathomet into our world through a nuclear event is both horrifying and fascinating.

Posted : 25/06/2017 10:46 pm
Jocelyn Rowe, Mr Jackpots, groofay and 1 people reacted
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I thought this might be true as well.

Posted : 25/06/2017 10:46 pm
Posts: 22
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Could it be possible that the young girl is Laura's mom? With the creation of BOB, the giant saw the "mother" creature giving "birth" to BOB, so in return he created Laura. Could she have appeared then in the form of an egg, which hatched to crawl inside what could be a young Sarah Palmer. Later to be born into Laura. 

No clue, but I love this.


Also, this photo...

Posted : 25/06/2017 11:09 pm
Lynn Watson, Mr Jackpots, Wow Brad Wow and 2 people reacted
Posts: 22
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Yes! This is exactly what i'm thinking too!

Posted : 25/06/2017 11:10 pm
Posts: 1
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Speaking of the cancer connection, is anyone else noticing how many people in TP are suffering from the disease? 

Posted : 25/06/2017 11:36 pm
Posts: 4
New Member

A big "yes" to your last paragraph! That sums up Lynch for me.

Posted : 25/06/2017 11:41 pm
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