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Hey Oyster, I didn't mean to leave you hanging. It's tough to know where to start, but, as I said, my family has all had interactions with what seem to be spirits. The first big thing that happened to me was 20 years ago. While contemplating whether there is actually an afterlife, I had an unseen visitor in my apartment. It was a beautiful, sunny afternoon. The visitor began to tickle me! It made me laugh, half in surprise and half from the physical sensation. I fell on the floor like you would if a relative were playing with you. The visitor hung around for about 90 minutes! Playfully intermittently tickling me. There was nothing remotely scary about it (though others I know have had less positive experiences, and one should exercise extreme CAUTION in all cases). It was one of the most purely life affirming things I 've ever experienced.

Many years later I finally started writing down all the things my brother, mom and I have experienced. I self-published a book which has been bought/read by probably about 100 people. It was just something I wanted to do.


Even with my belief system, I have very mixed feelings about recommending people open such doors. Much like on Twin Peaks, all variety of things are out there, the very positive and light and the very dark.

Regarding mediums/psychics/TM instructors generally, my feeling is that, like any field of inquiry, some people are in it for the right reasons and with honest intentions, and others - MANY - are straight up frauds. So it's very much a 'buyer beware' thing, as someone said earlier.

My brother is a medium, and I am good friends with several others. They all say the same thing - if you're going to 'dabble' in this stuff, learn how to protect yourself. A reputable psychic can help. White light is in fact the province of the Good, and one can envision oneself surrounded by same as a general protection.

Funny how, even as I write these things I truly believe, they sound somewhat cliched! Like I've been snorting moon rocks. But I've simply seen too much now to feel otherwise.

Apologies for kind of hijacking this thread!

Posted : 10/07/2017 11:38 am
Oyster Bells reacted
Posts: 381
Reputable Member
Posted by: Roberto Bella

Hey Oyster, I didn't mean to leave you hanging. It's tough to know where to start, but, as I said, my family has all had interactions with what seem to be spirits. The first big thing that happened to me was 20 years ago. While contemplating whether there is actually an afterlife, I had an unseen visitor in my apartment. It was a beautiful, sunny afternoon. The visitor began to tickle me! It made me laugh, half in surprise and half from the physical sensation. I fell on the floor like you would if a relative were playing with you. The visitor hung around for about 90 minutes! Playfully intermittently tickling me. There was nothing remotely scary about it (though others I know have had less positive experiences, and one should exercise extreme CAUTION in all cases). It was one of the most purely life affirming things I 've ever experienced.

Many years later I finally started writing down all the things my brother, mom and I have experienced. I self-published a book which has been bought/read by probably about 100 people. It was just something I wanted to do.


Even with my belief system, I have very mixed feelings about recommending people open such doors. Much like on Twin Peaks, all variety of things are out there, the very positive and light and the very dark.

Regarding mediums/psychics/TM instructors generally, my feeling is that, like any field of inquiry, some people are in it for the right reasons and with honest intentions, and others - MANY - are straight up frauds. So it's very much a 'buyer beware' thing, as someone said earlier.

My brother is a medium, and I am good friends with several others. They all say the same thing - if you're going to 'dabble' in this stuff, learn how to protect yourself. A reputable psychic can help. White light is in fact the province of the Good, and one can envision oneself surrounded by same as a general protection.

Funny how, even as I write these things I truly believe, they sound somewhat cliched! Like I've been snorting moon rocks. But I've simply seen too much now to feel otherwise.

Apologies for kind of hijacking this thread!

Roberto, your book was photographed by Augusten Burroughs?????  Is he a friend of yours??  I happen to love his books!  ?

Thanks for replying.  But I'm still curious what you meant by the abyss staring back.

I am not trying to get into the occult world, actually.  I'm easily scared.  I'm just trying to find a really empathetic and righteous meditation teacher to help me with healing my body, calming my mind, and additionally learning about a particular strange experience I had.  But that experience was corporeal, it didn't involve spirits.

Posted : 10/07/2017 1:40 pm
Posts: 269
Reputable Member

Hi Oyster, I understand. I wish you luck in your search for a good teacher. Some people find reiki helpful for relaxation as well. And acupuncture. These may also be options.

Yes, the book photos were by Augusten. We met several years ago and he was kind enough to accept my invitation to take some promo photos of me. I can't say I know him that well, but I found him to be very kind.

The world can certainly be very stressful and full of distractions/noise. One of my favorite simple meditations is to make a beverage that I like - either coffee, tea of hot chocolate - and sit sipping it on the couch while thinking literally of... nothing. Just letting my mind wander freely w/o trying to solve problems, just gazing out the window. Sometimes I'll sit like this for as long until it feels like my subconscious has sorted some things. Or I might even add a non-denomination prayer asking for clarity and calm. And peacefulness.

I think this phrase about the 'abyss staring back' has been around awhile. Since I feel, to a great extent, we are what we think about, it's a caution not to ponder the darker things in life too deeply or too often as I have found that dark thoughts seem to attract darkness itself. If I go down in there I always try to turn the ship around and focus on the good things in life, the positives, as it seems to me this helps attract better energy.

In the end, I believe everything is energy. We certainly are. We vibrate at a specific frequency. Energy is all around us, and in some sense sentient.

Posted : 10/07/2017 2:06 pm
Posts: 381
Reputable Member
Posted by: Roberto Bella

Hi Oyster, I understand. I wish you luck in your search for a good teacher. Some people find reiki helpful for relaxation as well. And acupuncture. These may also be options.

Yes, the book photos were by Augusten. We met several years ago and he was kind enough to accept my invitation to take some promo photos of me. I can't say I know him that well, but I found him to be very kind.

The world can certainly be very stressful and full of distractions/noise. One of my favorite simple meditations is to make a beverage that I like - either coffee, tea of hot chocolate - and sit sipping it on the couch while thinking literally of... nothing. Just letting my mind wander freely w/o trying to solve problems, just gazing out the window. Sometimes I'll sit like this for as long until it feels like my subconscious has sorted some things. Or I might even add a non-denomination prayer asking for clarity and calm. And peacefulness.

I think this phrase about the 'abyss staring back' has been around awhile. Since I feel, to a great extent, we are what we think about, it's a caution not to ponder the darker things in life too deeply or too often as I have found that dark thoughts seem to attract darkness itself. If I go down in there I always try to turn the ship around and focus on the good things in life, the positives, as it seems to me this helps attract better energy.

In the end, I believe everything is energy. We certainly are. We vibrate at a specific frequency. Energy is all around us, and in some sense sentient.

Roberto, the Amazon review says you've become from an atheist to a true believer.  Are you religious now?  ?

Posted : 10/07/2017 2:25 pm
Posts: 269
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I'm a true believer that there's Something More Than This World, which can't be fully defined by humans. I'm not a big fan of organized religion though.

Posted : 10/07/2017 3:49 pm
Oyster Bells reacted
Posts: 94
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Posted by: Oyster Bells

Wow.  Thank you, Dennis....  Hmm, I'm looking for meditation mainly to help with physical illness and blocked creativity.  I do have some anger towards things and situations, and I thought it would help if meditation can sorta push that away.  But now after having some strange experiences, I'm looking for a teacher who can explain what happened, or at least care enough to help me find out on my own.  Sorry that I made you share that in public, Dennis, I had no idea....

Hey it's ok! I'm over most of it. Meditation helps me cope with my chronic illness and most certainly improved my creative process. Really hope it helps you too, friend!

Posted : 11/07/2017 2:10 pm
Posts: 269
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Posted by: SamXTherapy

The simulation problem has been tackled - successfully, in my opinion - by Iain M Banks.  The basic objection is something known as the "Morality Principle", or something along those lines.  If, for example, you could create a realistic simulation to the extent that the entities inhabiting it were self aware, why the dickens would you also create stuff such as suffering, injustice, disease?  Sure, you can't - or probably can't - code away every single unfortunate happening; there are always accidents and the law of averages will always win eventually, but...

Unless you are a malevolent creature who delights in seeing your creations suffer and die, through no fault of their own, you'd go out of your way to make things as safe and pleasant as possible.  Clearly, our own reality is very, very far from being a fair, just and safe place so it's safe to assume the reality we inhabit is as real as it gets.  The alternative - we are in a simulation created by a maniac - is too horrible to contemplate.

In either event, the outcome is the same, since we are unable to change the rules, recode the program or reboot the system.

I've given this a lot of thought over the years, and have an answer, though it may not satisfy. If this reality is a construct, it seems like the most important decision would be whether to grant its intelligent habitants (humans, in our case) FREE WILL.

If there's Free Will, then that means all acts are possible - from the most purely selfless and loving to the most diabolic and terrible. And the greatest and worst experiences are also available.

It's ironic that some of the worst things that can happen to a human being, should he/she survive them, increases empathy for others, and can be beneficial in the long run, though perhaps very very painful in the short and medium run.

Most families experience illness of some kind sooner or later, including mine. Again, ironically, those challenges helped us to see how much we love each other, and how openly we express it. It helps you value the time you have. To appreciate what you have, which gets you closer to a state of grace.

If a Creator limited life to only pleasure, how would we grow? We would have nothing to compare it to. It's like you need the very bad in order to understand the very good. Which is sometimes deeply dissatisfying, but a life with no challenges would probably be pretty dull.

I believe in karma. I've seen how generosity gets returned. It's not a guarantee that bad things won't happen, but positivity has an energetic quality. I think one day we'll discover that everything is essentially waves of energy and that intention actually affects that energy. For example, the way that your DNA coils upon itself when you are afraid (maybe even causing damage) and the way it fully unfurls and thrives when you are hopeful and joyful.

Posted : 12/07/2017 11:35 am
Myn0k reacted
Posts: 207
Estimable Member
Posted by: Oyster Bells
Posted by: Roberto Bella

Hey Oyster, I didn't mean to leave you hanging. It's tough to know where to start, but, as I said, my family has all had interactions with what seem to be spirits. The first big thing that happened to me was 20 years ago. While contemplating whether there is actually an afterlife, I had an unseen visitor in my apartment. It was a beautiful, sunny afternoon. The visitor began to tickle me! It made me laugh, half in surprise and half from the physical sensation. I fell on the floor like you would if a relative were playing with you. The visitor hung around for about 90 minutes! Playfully intermittently tickling me. There was nothing remotely scary about it (though others I know have had less positive experiences, and one should exercise extreme CAUTION in all cases). It was one of the most purely life affirming things I 've ever experienced.

Many years later I finally started writing down all the things my brother, mom and I have experienced. I self-published a book which has been bought/read by probably about 100 people. It was just something I wanted to do.


Even with my belief system, I have very mixed feelings about recommending people open such doors. Much like on Twin Peaks, all variety of things are out there, the very positive and light and the very dark.

Regarding mediums/psychics/TM instructors generally, my feeling is that, like any field of inquiry, some people are in it for the right reasons and with honest intentions, and others - MANY - are straight up frauds. So it's very much a 'buyer beware' thing, as someone said earlier.

My brother is a medium, and I am good friends with several others. They all say the same thing - if you're going to 'dabble' in this stuff, learn how to protect yourself. A reputable psychic can help. White light is in fact the province of the Good, and one can envision oneself surrounded by same as a general protection.

Funny how, even as I write these things I truly believe, they sound somewhat cliched! Like I've been snorting moon rocks. But I've simply seen too much now to feel otherwise.

Apologies for kind of hijacking this thread!

Roberto, your book was photographed by Augusten Burroughs?????  Is he a friend of yours??  I happen to love his books!  ?

Thanks for replying.  But I'm still curious what you meant by the abyss staring back.

I am not trying to get into the occult world, actually.  I'm easily scared.  I'm just trying to find a really empathetic and righteous meditation teacher to help me with healing my body, calming my mind, and additionally learning about a particular strange experience I had.  But that experience was corporeal, it didn't involve spirits.

Hi OysterBells,

My first experience of meditation was with TM. The teacher was a little prone to what I deem a little blind faith, in that she held firm beliefs that on 20th of the 12th month of 2012, based on the Mayan calendar everything was going to change for the better, which I challenged. That tainted my experience with her, and at times I felt a sense of slipping away from myself, which perhaps was part of yielding to something bigger, or simply letting go of my ego. The wonderful thing I found however was meditating with her. There was something really awesome about that.

I gave it up when my 5 element acupuncturist (as oppose to Traditional Chinese Medicine - TCM), the difference being proactive rather than reactive respectively, said given you live in your head so much perhaps try Vipassana, which is essentially observing the sensations in one's body which are one's own natural rhythms rather than the artificial rhythm of a mantra provided by someone else. By observing, one is less prone to reactive behaviour, and in the world today, that is a key advantage. It involves going on a 10 day silent retreat, which is hardcore, but for was life changing and well worth the time. 

It all depends what works for you, but having choices is always good.

I'm happy to discuss it further, here or privately, let me know. 


Posted : 12/08/2017 3:36 pm
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