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"Girl" from 1956

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Dougie-Cooper(someone like Paul Muad'dib from Dune) is the break, cut, from Mr. C's madness, bringing the struggle/law/freedom/justice to deal with the madness unleashed by discovery of void; Mua'dib feels nothing, becoming from the void that is a 'third' which breaks out of the cycle where white and black feed each other: Cooper-Dougie and Janey E(99%, etc.) must deal with the problems, no longer caught in the feminine cycle dominated by laura and trying to 'get the feeling back' from garmanbozia(pain suffering) that is the slow degrading and boring decay of the contemporary sleepwalking, the 'world of truck drivers'(breaking bad, spider man 20 'trying to get feeling back' from nostalgia, only ideas are bringing back old shows from 80s/90s, creating nothing(since our time is one of decay and tyranny which kills ideas/creativity and freedom; kid in New York, etc.), which is why this twin peaks must not be like the original, etc.).....

returned from void/madness, 'the sleeper/sleepwalkers(cooper twin peaks) must awaken'

Posted : 29/06/2017 6:33 am
Posts: 204
Estimable Member

I think that the creature we saw at the end of Part 8 may be what Mr. C is looking for. I think that the frogfly (for lack of a better explanation) is the McGuffin and neither Bob nor Laura. We saw The Experiment vomit Bob's essence along with a myriad of other egg-like objects, and I think it's reasonable to logically conclude that the creature and Bob are not one in the same. 

Mr. C. is looking for coordinates. At first I thought he was aiming to put a hit on Cooper. However after seeing the events unfold in Parts 3-7, I think it's fairly obvious he already knows where Cooper is. What he's still trying to find is something else. Therefore the mystery is a lot bigger than just the square off between Cooper and his doppelganger. There's another piece on the board.

Posted : 29/06/2017 6:54 am
Posts: 1033
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Posted by: Aaron C. Wade

I think that the creature we saw at the end of Part 8 may be what Mr. C is looking for. I think that the frogfly (for lack of a better explanation) is the McGuffin and neither Bob nor Laura. We saw The Experiment vomit Bob's essence along with a myriad of other egg-like objects, and I think it's reasonable to logically conclude that the creature and Bob are not one in the same. 

Mr. C. is looking for coordinates. At first I thought he was aiming to put a hit on Cooper. However after seeing the events unfold in Parts 3-7, I think it's fairly obvious he already knows where Cooper is. What he's still trying to find is something else. Therefore the mystery is a lot bigger than just the square off between Cooper and his doppelganger. There's another piece on the board.

Reasonable theory. I agree that it isn't Bob. 

Perhaps the the girl eventually takes the form of the mother/experiment. That would be a tie-in to the couple that were killed in New York and what you suggest Doppel-Coop might be looking for. 

Posted : 29/06/2017 8:47 am
Posts: 472
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Not sure about the arguments as to why the creature vomiting after the atomic explosion is labeled 'experiment', but my first reaction would be to argue that this creature is something more like a reaction of 'life' in general to a disturbance in reality(the atomic blast, splitting of the atom) as the same thing happened to both Mr. C and Dougie when their 'life'/enjoyment-pain was disturbed by interference in reality from the red room.  Life is disturbed/sick/disgusting, and an Idea-spirit that is disturbed is thus born to conduct its 'experiment', thus the egg and the taking over of the body.....remember that 'experiment' was credited to an actor who did not actually appear in this episode, it is 'something missing', a clue, a form(type of person who would say something, idea that is guiding them, etc., to say it briefly) that is not directly found; also the creature vomiting was not that actor, but a digital creation.....I dont think it is the experiment, but this is more like an omnipresent concept that is working its way through 'sick' 'life' via the perverted logic of Mr. C-Laura, white-black marriage as law, corruption of the 'white lodge', law becoming evil and reflecting the power plays on earth represented by the atomic blast, unhinged profit and enjoyment at the expense of the world and all people, etc.

Posted : 29/06/2017 8:59 am
Posts: 1033
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We label her (the) Experiment because that is the name of the character played by Erica Eynon in the credits. Her name may change in future episodes. 

Posted : 29/06/2017 9:13 am
Posts: 472
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right, so the creature puking was played by Erica Eynon? but this still 'begs the question' why call it experiment....

Posted : 29/06/2017 9:29 am
Posts: 1033
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It may have to do with the eggs, what hatched and what it will turn into. Perhaps she hasn't vomited eggs in the past or she has and they haven't metamorphosed into what is wanted. Not sure. 

Erica was the model/actress used to realize Experiment digitally. 

Posted : 29/06/2017 9:43 am
Posts: 13
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I also think the theory that the girl became the Glass Box Monster seems most likely. Partly because of where the moth creature came from, partly because it seemed to appear in response to the couple kissing (also the last thing the girl did), and partly because it appears to be female (it has boobs at least) and the face kind of caves in at the mouth, which is where the moth went in.



It also seems possible she could additionally be the eyeless woman from Ep 3 and did kind of a good/evil split into these two forms, although really my only reasoning is hair colour, and that there's a video online showing similarities between her and the 'Experiment'.

Posted : 29/06/2017 10:16 am
Posts: 472
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Ok, so if she was the actress this makes sense then, and my argument for why it is called experiment, which would also link it with the New York appearance, its clashing with 'Good' Cooper's realization, the nuclear blast, the 'ghosts', and also linking it with the other vomiting scenes is found a few comments above when I talk about life, thinking, white-black marriage, etc.

Also, this experiment is related with Mother(since it chopped up the kids in New York and in the purple room the Mother threatens to chop), which I also think is related to the changes in the white lodge that result following the atomic blast, where we see the giant suspended and drained and the fancy woman taking control with the golden-brown atom laura.  Since Mr. C wants the experiment(his wild 'spirit' to live, tyrannical control over reality), he can only maintain this mad reign over the world by having his woodsmen controlling the radio, creating a world of lauras, thus the law and white lodge must accommodate etc., basically make it so the law is to always violate the law, have unrestricted enjoyment that woodsmen etc must always seeks, which would be a mother's law beyond paternal bounds, the incestuous desire to have the full atom laura-mother, even after the atom is split and by means of splitting the atom(which is of course the never ending disaster of the lost highway)....

 Think about the two side of the old cooper, his hotel room number from the great northern split in the purple room, one side is Dougie, other side is Mr. C, agent cooper's secret underside is these two antagonistic sides of him that complement one another, and both sustained by being under the feminine rule/law of Mother(fancy woman in the white lodge draining the paternal law is Dougie, as jade and mafia all draining him of money, other side is BOB/Woodsmen). Black is actually secretly dominated by a desire to chase an 'angel' that will save them from their pain, which is why the other side of Mr. C is Dougie, the guy dominated and manipulated by women-Lauras(laura manipulated all the men in town, etc.)-vamps(sort of like richard horne, the weakness to mother drives him to be the strongest, jump the car line, violate the law, etc.)


Posted : 29/06/2017 10:21 am
Posts: 97
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I don't think the girl in 1956 was manipulative at all. She seemed really innocent, more like a Donna than a Laura, before the bug caught her. She was listening to the radio dreamily after her first kiss.

Sorry, I got really caught up with that preconceived notion of the female as manipulative, I feel Twin Peaks goes way beyond this tired trope. Even with Laura, who is a broken child and a victim of abuse, it seems that her "manipulative" powers are less in her intentions and more in other people's views about her. 

Posted : 29/06/2017 10:39 am
Deja Lee, vixy, Jenny F. Badkins and 6 people reacted
Posts: 85
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I found it weird that they didn't show us the boy falling asleep to the radio broadcast.

Is it possible, that Gordon Cole knows something about the power of those chants, and that's the reason he lost his hearing?

Posted : 29/06/2017 12:34 pm
Deja Lee, vixy, Jenny F. Badkins and 3 people reacted
Posts: 2250
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Posted by: Bela Moschkovich

I don't think the girl in 1956 was manipulative at all. She seemed really innocent, more like a Donna than a Laura, before the bug caught her. She was listening to the radio dreamily after her first kiss.

Sorry, I got really caught up with that preconceived notion of the female as manipulative, I feel Twin Peaks goes way beyond this tired trope. Even with Laura, who is a broken child and a victim of abuse, it seems that her "manipulative" powers are less in her intentions and more in other people's views about her. 

Quoted for absolute agreement.

Side note:  I reckon the girl is around 16.  14 at the youngest.

Posted : 29/06/2017 12:58 pm
vixy, Help Dougie, Sammy Weir and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: 7000eur

I found it weird that they didn't show us the boy falling asleep to the radio broadcast.

Is it possible, that Gordon Cole knows something about the power of those chants, and that's the reason he lost his hearing?

I thought about that. Maybe he just wasn't listening to the radio at that moment?

Posted : 29/06/2017 3:01 pm
Deja Lee reacted
Posts: 2250
Noble Member

And maybe they just decided not to show what happened to him.  Yet.

Posted : 29/06/2017 4:22 pm
Posts: 829
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Posted by: Oyster Bells
Posted by: Ollie Barkovic

No I meant which of the TP residents were lifers. 

i.e. Lives there whole lives in TP, no move there. 

So if you are a lifer TP you aren't one of the kids. 

Yeah I know, but we wouldn't have info on many people's origins.  Someone said Leland originated in TP, but I didn't ask where he got that info.

I think whoever got crawled in by the bugfrog must turn evil somewhat though, otherwise what's the point, right?

And we don't know that many evil TP residents.  All quirky, but not evil.

Leland spent childhood summers up at Pearl Lakes, outside of TP (me met BOB there). Seems he is a lifer.

Posted : 29/06/2017 4:55 pm
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