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"Girl" from 1956

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What if the girl is either Theresa Banks's or Ronette Paulaski's mom? idk

Posted : 27/06/2017 5:01 pm
Posts: 1
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I heard the idea that the boy could be Gordon Cole, hence his fascination with nuclear explosions (wasn't there a picture of one in his office?) It also follows with Gordon's MO of asking for a kiss. Whatever happens to the girl, who could be "Judy", may be what starts his desire to join the FBI and is the founding case of the "blue rose" thing. Just a thought.

Posted : 27/06/2017 5:23 pm
Deja Lee, Eric Gelsinger, Jenny F. Badkins and 10 people reacted
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Posted by: Morgan TC

I heard the idea that the boy could be Gordon Cole, hence his fascination with nuclear explosions (wasn't there a picture of one in his office?) It also follows with Gordon's MO of asking for a kiss. Whatever happens to the girl, who could be "Judy", may be what starts his desire to join the FBI and is the founding case of the "blue rose" thing. Just a thought.

This is way interesting. Amazing thought

Posted : 27/06/2017 5:50 pm
Deja Lee, Eric Gelsinger, Audrey Horne and 1 people reacted
Posts: 94
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That's the coolest theory I've heard thus far...bravo!

Posted : 27/06/2017 7:41 pm
Deja Lee reacted
Posts: 110
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I don't know if |Gordon's age was ever confirmed, but for me he looks just old enough to be the boy.

Posted : 27/06/2017 7:56 pm
Deja Lee reacted
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"If Phoebe Augustine was playing Ronette (I'll assume she was) she told Cooper to get out before her mother comes."

The character is credited as "American Girl" - if they had intended Ronette, it would be credited as Ronette.

Posted : 28/06/2017 12:47 am
Posts: 853
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Posted by: Dennis Roseth

So in the original Twin Peaks, was the lady in the wheelchair married to the doctor named Linda? If so that girl could be her and she had an affair with Ben Horne which gave rise to Audrey. This might explain why she has an evil child Richard Horne.

No. Eileen Hayward ( married to Doc, mother of Donna ).

Posted : 28/06/2017 12:54 am
Posts: 5
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The one thing we know is that her name isn't Mary. That's the name of the girl the boy was dating, but that is over. I think the point being she specifically is Not Mary.

I believe she is about to give virgin birth to Bob, opposite of "Mary".

I think the front half of the bug looked like a cicada, which would explain the long gestational period between garmonbosia barf and desert birth.

I think we were shown the convenience store that Mike and Bob lived above and wonder if it's not where Bob will be raised.

This is where my mind went, love to hear other ideas.

Posted : 28/06/2017 1:01 am
Posts: 10
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Another theory: what if she is Leland's relative from Pearl Lakes? Or her family lived there? There was his grandfather's neighbor, Robertson... BOB's ex-vehicle?

Posted : 28/06/2017 6:55 am
Posts: 142
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Posted by: Nick Bataran

My theory is it's Sarah Palmer. Twin Peaks WIKI says she was born around 1945 which would make her about that age in 1956. The giant sends Laura's orb down to earth and it eventually hatches, etc., etc. 

I think the girl could be Leland Palmer's mother. She will give birth to Leland who later became BOB's first human host. BOB came through her womb in the form of the cockroach we saw last episode.

Posted : 28/06/2017 7:45 am
Sammy Weir reacted
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Posted by: Tomislav Galovi?

Good point, the thought had occurred to me. Bob has to inhabit "vessels". I think the bug is either Bob at his infancy or will use the girl's body to evolve into human form.

My thoughts exactly. As I stated earlier, it was BOB who came in the form of a cockroach and the young girl would later gave birth to Leland. The rest is history.

Posted : 28/06/2017 7:50 am
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Impossible. The scene was 1956. Laura was born July 22, 1971 after Leland and Sarah met in College and got married in 1968, both in their mid 20's. The exact date of birth for Sarah isn't stated anywhere, just an approximate year of 1945. 

Posted : 28/06/2017 3:26 pm
vixy and Michael Packer reacted
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Also the Log Lady and Leland are both life long Twin Peaks residents. Nothing is ever really said about Sarah and where she grew up. But if her and Leland met in College and not the small town of Twin Peaks where they grew up together, that definitely says she grew up elsewhere.

Posted : 28/06/2017 3:29 pm
Caio Rocha reacted
Posts: 160
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My guess is that it's someone we've never seen before 

Judy is a possibility, Tremont would make sense, 

but the important thing is the what the hell that bottle-bug-frog thing is

Posted : 28/06/2017 5:13 pm
Posts: 110
Estimable Member

Now that the roots of the Palmer family are so much in question, what about Maddie? Were her parents and their precise relation to the Palmers ever said in any of the books?

Posted : 28/06/2017 9:05 pm
Sammy Weir reacted
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