Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
It's been a month and a half since posting this...we may be out of the woods...I hope...
Side-By-Side comparison of the driving Coopers.....
This was posted back on June 10th, the day before Part 6 aired.....It's now August appears this damned thing may come back to haunt me...We're about to see Part 16 and the story arc seems to be moving this way...."by the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes".......
Another shot from the teaser trailer showing footage of Cooper we haven't seen yet in parts 1-5......we could be in for a rough and very dark ride, and lose some of our favorite "good guys" in the process. Part of me hopes this is too dark even for would drastically alter the story arc and set-up a "final conflict" between the two Coopers.....
I have updated the image adding another shot from Showtime's teaser (left) and a shot from Part 15 with Mr. C driving (right).
In my opinion, it is Dale Cooper who is driving in the teaser, not Mr. C.