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hello everybody!
i've just watched the last episode, and i was thinking about this: we saw Kind of "green reflection " on the face of Dougie's colleague before Coop call him Liar. Then I noticed a weird "green laser" or something on the top of the slot machine Coop is playing with in Casinó surveillance video. It look like a manifestation of something is helping Coop, leading him.. what do you think?
I caught onto this too. I double checked to make sure, and yes the footage of the surveillance is black and white with exception of the green laser light hitting the top of the slot machine in the casino.
I've just rewatched e5 and noticed the green flashes in the insurance meeting scene also, as you say it must be some kind of guidance but no idea why it is green...?
If you take a closer look at the 'floating cloud images' above the slot machines, you see it is a mini-Red Room. Notice the famous floorpattern. This might mean someone is guiding poor MemoryLossCooper from the RedRoom. I'd say One Armed Man or Laura. Both could be said to have clairvoyance. In the casino storyline the 'help-from-above' or 'help-from-outside' means Memory-Loss-Cooper is now able to pay back Dougie Jones' old gambling bets (and save his marriage with Janey-E). But how is identifying his Lucky7Insurance-colleague (who helped him get a 'Jade ride') as a liar gonna help him?
I really got the feeling the symbols over the slot machines were more like the reward icons you see in the circa 1990 video game "Sonic Spinball."
Perhaps it connects with infamous Red to Yellow to Green stoplight from old school Twin Peaks. (Which I still have not figured out in the ensuing 25 years.