Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
Jacoby's wild, fourth-wall breaking scene was so fabulous. Can't wait to see where his character goes. It seems so appropriate for his character to evolve in this way.
Nice to see some of that humor returning. What did everyone think of this scene?
"F*ck that acai berry shit from the Amazon!" XD
Of course Nadine is his biggest fan.
I really, REALLY love that scene. I enjoy the "conspiranoia" (conspiracy + paranoia) on the internet, and see a great character as Dr. Jacoby as a (sort-of) youtubber, I really just loved it.
Also loved it the Lynch's irony to put Jacoby selling golden shovels
Also really felt like it was maybe a way for Lynch to express some political commentary in the best way possible?
Of course Nadine is his biggest fan.
I may be wrong but it also looked like Nadine was sipping on a protein shake during this scene? I was waiting for her inner Hulk to come out ha
Was anyone just dying to get out their checkbook and order one? 🙂
I could watch this scene a hundred times, every second of awesome ?
Absolutely agree - brilliant scene. I don't know why Dr Jacoby's chosen the name Dr Amp, but the whole production, from the hand written scrawls he reads from, the way he jump-cuts and stands there after digging out of the crap, to the Microsoft Paint-style advert, is wonderful comic relief.
And we all know we're being reamed every day by corporations... "The fucks are at it again!"
Another beautiful little laugh was when Dougie's colleague took the green tea latte after making a fuss about not getting the coffee - and *really* enjoyed it.
The 'cultural'-political commentary-negation in the series thus far is not captured by Jacobi's approach, but hidden by it. One of the biggest clues here is the use and associations of meaning tied up with Gold and Brown. Remember the song colored gold and brown at the end of episode 3 which all the couples were 'selling the farm' for, what is its message? It is old fashioned country music which talks about a guaranteed 'sweetheart' that is always waiting for you; but the twist is that it then says that the sweetheart is laying on the beach in a 'gown of sand'. The guaranteed sweetheart that everyone, the couples, Jacobi, Becky, Janey E, are obsessed with is none other than Laura. The overwhelmingly positive reactions to Jacobi's scene with the shovels could easily have been from the contented couple dancing to the fact that they are headed, in truth, down Laura's path, into the shit. Jacobi's scene here reproduces one of main antagonisms in the series, surplus-profit-enjoyment(Gold) from which capitalism feeds has flooded unrestricted since the 90's into the 'Green' (God-home-law-state which limits profit-gold and imposes struggle for universalized 'high-giant' purposes such as freedom, rational advancement, justice, true love and desire, etc.). Gold is also associated here with the 'atomist' approach of not facing up to this problem, as if the 'sweetheart' is a hard existing reality that is guaranteed, well what is guaranteed is the 'Golden' Laura-Mother as sweetheart. The atomism(or closed circle of enjoyment) hides from the void of antagonism, as if the Gold is guaranteed to save us even though we always end up in the shit again, enjoy nothing, and stuck in vicious cycles of blandness, meaningless repetition, enforced by state surveillance, threats, and terror (the spectre coming off of the atom which killed the kids in New York, maybe they had the stuff).
Jacobi wants to dig himself into gold with gold and ignore the shit as some kind of wild conspiracy made by a few people, as if the twin peaks of the first series would still be able to exist today if it were not for a few criminals. It is not that the gold shovel digs you out of the shit and into the golden light as Jacobi thinks; but rather it is literally a 'shit digging shovel' which literally makes one stuck into shit while digging for gold, from which they will need to dig themselves out again of with the gold shovel, the closed circle of enjoyment repeated again and again. If you want to buy the shovel, you should remember what the armless man says to the 'good Cooper/Dougie' as he holds up the atom inside sleazy Dougie's head: "youve been tricked". In other words, Jacobi is guilty of creating the world he is criticizing(along with everyone existing) that no longer can properly sustain the enjoyment he had in the original twin peaks and in Laura Palmer, with whom he was obsessed.
The political commentary-negation is much more scathing and radical than Jacobi can imagine and it is what he is trying to hide from in the woods, to keep his old and dead America alive, while hiding his own guilt by concocting a paranoid fantasy about 'fucks', so that although he is right that something is wrong, he is completely wrong about how to fix it, in fact his solution is the problem, and always was(his investment in Laura as excessive enjoyment, which has since become the norm, ruining his transgression). Laura(Mother), America's sweetheart is a sadistic psychopath who was tortured by a lawless community brandishing golden shovels(Jacobi being one of them who didnt go 'all the way'), all of which happened under the silent approval of the bookhouse boys, who were reading 'terrorists cause all our problems' and 'warren commission was right', thereby failing in their duty, even hiding from it(Bobby was right at Laura's funeral). Old twin peaks would never make it as a show today, and the people who can fix the situation are lurching around like ET who cant find any rational 'home'-state-law, or any desire worthy of investment, and is on the verge of being killed by multiple parties. All the while a bunch of sleazy criminals are systematically adored and running the show(also remember the student in New York locked in a room, then killed, by billionaires' military-corporate surveilance, there are no 'fucks' behind it, its an anonymous system which drives everyone to be 'fucks' and kills anyone who defies, the 'case files') ; all in order to reproduce an anonymous system of never ending surplus-profit/enjoyment(capitalism) sustained by surplus-terror-power, or government that became terrorists(the silver of the 'Silver Mustang' mafia beatings, Horne, Mr. C, and Jeffries, corrupted-cynical cop Chad who doesnt believe in the log, but does believe that what is guaranteed is the arbitrary authority of Mother(feminine capitalist repetition allowing nothing else to emerge but the slow decay of corruption, death of creativity from no log, etc.).
Absolutely agree - brilliant scene. I don't know why Dr Jacoby's chosen the name Dr Amp,
Dr. Amp as in D. Trump, maybe?
As for the golden shovels
D. Tramp, screwing the vamp for liberty...only way to get out of shit?....those golden shovels turn Laura into all powerful Mother(married to Richard Horne, Mr. C, suspension of constitution, surveillance etc.), not exactly producing liberty or freedom in the past 25 years, the problem(shovel) presenting itself as the solution, working class for trump etc.; this scene is not so innocent....
surplus-false knowledge and closed circle of enjoyment for right wing conspiracy theory here, all to try and turn Mother(new twin peaks, today) back into Laura(old twin peaks, 25 years ago); Jacobi is still screwing the vamp(Laura)....the dead America where characters like the old agent cooper or truman could be taken as normal, rather than it now being a world full of truck drivers(breaking bad)
Personally I read it a little bit as a caricature of Trump and trumpism. Jacoby is throwing shit at Amazon, foreign manifactured items (although he seems to have ordered the shovels and the paint on the internet, maybe even on amazon) plus adding in some anti-globalization rants and it all has a clear "make America great again" sound. It's not like Lynch has ever put a lot of politics in his works, but he did endors Bernie Sanders and as pointed out, doctor Amp is Dr.Amp shortened, which sounds a loooot like Trump.
Another thing I thought (although I'm probably biased after reading some criticism) is Lynch is somehow having fun of nostalgic fans, knowing that there would be plenty of people who were expecting basically a copy cat of the original show and were going to be frustrated with the new product. But times have changed, it's a different world we're living in, Lynch's works and taste have had an inevitable evolution during all these years and also television shows have changed, what was innovative and pushing the limits 25 years ago it's not anymore, so Lynch probably feels like he would've been a phony by just creating a show that was identical to the original one only with different technology; it would've been like using a golden paint to give a flashy look to something that is actually ordinary, only to give delusional people like Nadine what they want to hear/see.
its not that there are no 'fucks' out there, this content is not a delusion, since clearly those forces are dominating the show thus far, for example stupid and cynical criminals are dominating the police force in twin peaks and crime is now normal ('its a world full of truck drivers'). The military scene in the pentagon hints at this, they are acting like 'Chad', probably prone to violence and tyranny, driven by forces they themselves may not even grasp, at least the less guilty ones. It is rather that jacobi is (a less guilty) one of them, who took the 'ring' and has an 'atom' in his head, thinking the arbitrary forces of the irrational can still profit like before, once they have 'turned to the dark side' eliminated all drive to the 'green' for good, turning Americas sweetheart decisively from Laura to Mother.
There is no hidden actor behind the scene to get rid of to allow everything to return to normal, no normal solid 'atom' of reality being corrupted by external threats(the red room is inside of everyone and all of reality), the force of gold itself leads dougie away from home to 'jade', the prostitute 'home', and turns his kid evil (their future was the junkie and the kid, their shadow, thus ET must return 'home' from the void and do something in a world brutally hostile to productive creation); jacobi, and all the rest of twin peaks are 'possessed' by an anonymous spiritual system that brutally enforces 'gold' surplus-enjoyment/profit as the only allowable goal(surveiling and terrorizing what comes through the void in reality, destroying all rational and artistic creation by trying to own it as mother to satisfy their own arbitrary 'gold' affections at the level of the state-government, etc. for personal arbitrary profits, enjoyments, etc. what shoots off of trying to make the government property is a terror state(richard horne, Mr. C, mafia, etc.) of the nature-mother-force which locks up and killed the kid who had the 'stuff')
The 'green'(law, substance, freedom, a rational state-government) is destroyed and the norm is to act like a truck driver from 'breaking bad', freedom is dead, laura is dead, lying on the beach in a gown of 'sand'; everyone(save ET cooper, and james and his shadows, who may bring 'trouble' and 'electricity' with the green glove on the right hand) wants to be a truck driver, digging for gold and ending up in shit, laura is their mother, and jacobi still thinks screwing the vamp will bring liberty, ending up with the 'fucks'(mother married to richard horne)......