Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
So after watching the first four episodes, I'm trying to make some more sense of how Evil (Doppleganger) Coop, Black Lodge Coop, and Dougie are related.
I came up with this theory: Dougie's universe is an alternate/fake one manufactured by BOB to keep Evil Coop where he is.
Please feel free to tell me I'm crazy but here's why I'm thinking this...
1. When BL Coop is to return from the Lodge, he ends up in a (presumably) non-existanant space. When he arrives to the room, he sees an outlet labeled "13." Revisiting the room shortly afterwards, he is transported via electricity through an outlet labled "3." It's here that I'm first thinking that "universe 13" was where BL Coop was supposed to go. This could then be confirmed in episode 4's bedroom scene in which BL Coop is told that he'd been tricked. If this is true, it appears as though the lady without eyes was intentionnaly trying to prevent him from entering the correct one.
2. When BL Cooper is seen entering the glass box (presumably in universe 13), the animation seems to show him being pulled back out of it. Symbolic? It's never mentioned when the video footage is being talked about by Tammy, Cole, and Albert... only an image of that ghostly terror that would have been captured at that same time.
3. Dougie is told upon entering the red room that he was "manufactured by someone for a purpose that's been fulfilled." I assume this means that Dougie was created to go back to the Lodge in Evil Coop's place, but that never ended up happening as Evil Coop was returned during the car crash. The one cop mentioned a harsh smell coming out of the car which is a trademark of BOB's presence. Also, the second lady from the "non-existent" room mentioned that her mother was returning right before the crash happened. Is BOB her mom?
4. The legendary "RR" can be seen in universe 3's Rancho Rosa Estates billboard.
5. The last we saw of Evil Coop, the speech pattern sounded a lot like Major Briggs shortly after he returned from the White Lodge in season 2.