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...My Sunday's were wasted for 17 weeks..
Guess you didn't like it, huh?
Why did it take so long for you to realize you weren't enjoying it?
Because the season finale was 17 weeks after the show started. I don't know how familiar you are with television, but that's how it works. I was willing to indulge David Lynch if he delivered a season finale I liked, after all it was my money being given to showtime you weren't paying my subscription. So pretty much I'm allowed to formulate my own opinion, whether you like it or not. If there is a season four feel free to pay for me, that way I can't complain.
"I'm a David Lynch fan, but I don't like how David Lynch this show by David Lynch was."
And it's interesting that the OP would use the phrase "deal with it" when in fact he's one of the people having trouble doing just that.
People are allowed to like what they like. However, I think it's interesting/instructive to take a look at yourself and think about why you need your entertainment to be just so. Why does it have to follow the conventions that you deem to be important? Is what you're demanding nothing more than a kind of echo chamber for your own thoughts and desires?
There's no question that DL is challenging us with this ending. Is that a reason to type obscenities and rage like many have done? What does it say about us if we refuse to be challenged?
I don't like what you like. I like a little bit of closure to my relationship with a show, you like to leave feeling challenged. Doesn't mean I'm inferior to you in any way, it just means we have different taste's. It's a fictional TV show, if you want to spend your time dissecting it over and over, once again that's your time.
I loved every minute of this, and couldn't be more happy with how the story came to an end. Looks like Lynch made The Return for those of us who know how to enjoy art.
I loved every minute of this, and couldn't be more happy with how the story came to an end. Looks like Lynch made The Return for those of us who know how to enjoy art.
Glad you liked it. I guess if this show ever gets a continuation of some sort and has a fitting conclusion that addresses the major story lines with a finish, you'd feel just as ripped off as I do, since you like "art" so much.
I loved every minute of this, and couldn't be more happy with how the story came to an end. Looks like Lynch made The Return for those of us who know how to enjoy art.
Glad you liked it. I guess if this show ever gets a continuation of some sort and has a fitting conclusion that addresses the major story lines with a finish, you'd feel just as ripped off as I do, since you like "art" so much.
If you feel so ripped off then in future stick to conventional, predictable, television programs. That's not Twin Peaks.
I'm totally with you, OP. I'm just glad that I had the sense to stop at ep.14, so this shitfest only cost me $11-14. The only thing I got out of it is becoming a fan of MacLachlan: he deserves not just an Emmy, but a knighthood for still playing Dougie so warmly and earnestly when he knew it was all pointless (he had the whole script). Oh, and Shadow is a stupendous song.
This is about 1000 x worse that Lost's last season for me. Lost had 5 outstanding seasons before that which absolutely deserved to be a cultural phenomenon. Lost's finale made no logical sense, but it was still true to its characters emotionally. TR on the other hand has been an audience-hating wank for Lynch throughout. Thankfully, I'm not one of those viewers who get their enjoyment ruined retroactively: my love of the old TP is still unwavering and I can easily treat TR as a non-canonical product of Lynch's senility or whatever it is that he's smoking these days.
The people claiming this to be art uncritically really need to get out more and see some real art. Like I've said before - Lynch's cult thrives on shockingly insular audiences who have little to no experience with other arthouse and unconventional TV (especially non-US programming).
first of all it`s could HAVE...not ööööööf
second, you are a clueless chump with the attention span of a 10 y.o.-
plus the intellect.
If you start of by calling people who like sth you didn't fanboys, why then ask those exact same people to defend that thing in front of you? Why would anybody (including the artist) have to justify a piece of art towards sb who shuts his ears before the words even reached them?
If you feel you need to apologise to people you recommended this show to, you might want to think about socialising with different people.
All you've proven with your comment is that you know next to nothing about David Lynch. Do yourself a favour and at least watch "The Art Life" before passing judgement on sb's oeuvre, most parts of which you obviously have not even seen or heard.
The old standard "you just don't understand David Lynch" justification won't cut it here. I'm a Lynch fan, but that doesn't mean I have to love everything he does. This was bad storytelling, plain and simple. This entire season was self-indulgent, poorly written, poorly directed, poorly edited...
I agree completely with the OP. I would not recommend this to anyone. Sure, it had some good moments, but there were only a few times I felt like I was watching Twin Peaks. After all of the hype and expectations, I'm completely disappointed.
See, this is where you lose me. Sure, you may not have enjoyed the narrative, but to call it poorly directed? POORLY DIRECTED? Go find me one, and I mean one, better work of direction on Television this year. When you say things like this, I think you don't understand, really, what directing is.
You not liking it is fair enough, that's subjective...but objectively this was incredibly well written, directed and edited. That's unquestionable.
Your problem is your opinion started off reasonable and then sunk into ludicrous hyperbole.
The people claiming this to be art uncritically really need to get out more and see some real art. Like I've said before - Lynch's cult thrives on shockingly insular audiences who have little to no experience with other arthouse and unconventional TV (especially non-US programming).
i am german and have seen about anything there is in your artsy-fartsy- game...
let me tell you, THIS show is BEYOND art, it`s borderline PROPHETIC...(only for those to see,of course...)
The people claiming this to be art uncritically really need to get out more and see some real art. Like I've said before - Lynch's cult thrives on shockingly insular audiences who have little to no experience with other arthouse and unconventional TV (especially non-US programming).
Again, this is where you start to cross the line between opinion and being a jackass.
Lynch isn't even my favourite art-house filmmaker, that would be Park Chan-Wook.
I also adore the works of Tarkovsky, Von Trier, Nicolas Winding Refn, Alejandro Jorodowsky... I only really bother with arthouse cinema.
So to say 'You guys only like Lynch is' is arrogance beyond measure.
So what's your argument now? I adored The Return (though it wasn't perfect. FYI though, no perfect film has ever been made in the history of the medium.) and I'm a pretty massive arthouse fan..
".(only for those to see,of course...)"
It's this type of comment tacked on the end that ruins any credibility for the Lynch fan club. Apparently he's this Messiah communicating only with the chosen...<eyeroll> The word 'pretentious' is overused, but it is perfectly appropriate for this.
My disparaging comments aren't aimed at viewers who genuinely like Lynch and have the background of diverse viewing and analysis to back it up. If you're thi sort - I genuinely respect your opinion. I'm dismissive of the Lynch fanboys who're only there for the name brand and pseudo-intellectual cred - the "you don't get Lynch and everything he does is automatically genius" crowd. Let's face it - it's the latter who've been shouting down the naysayers on the web the entire time TR has been on. They're what drives the Lynch brand.
I sincerely tried to get into intelligent arguments with the latter and long since gave up. Got too tired of being dismissed as a lowest common denominator-loving sheep - which is why I now sound so jaded and wary of Lynch fans.
".(only for those to see,of course...)"
It's this type of comment tacked on the end that ruins any credibility for the Lynch fan club. Apparently he's this Messiah communicating only with the chosen...<eyeroll> The word 'pretentious' is overused, but it is perfectly appropriate for this.
words have meaning...i don`t choose them likely.
and i`m not one of your pretentious Lynch fanboys...
watch it again perhaps?
Surely the grounded and open-minded among Lynch fans can understand where this frustration from those hating TR comes from. It may sound like arrogance, but it's just exhaustion from constantly being dismissed as just not arty enough to 'get Lynch'.