Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
This is a very good thought for the timing and I beleive you are right. Makes sense that he's somewhere when he's in the coma as they don't show what's going on in his mind at this point in the show , just the people around him . And judy being in the house makes a whole lot of sense too. Only thing that bugs me is when coop doesn't remember about Richard and Linda when waking in Odessa after telling fireman he's understands.
Yeah I've been wondering about the scene where he wakes up in Odessa too. I re-watched it and it almost looks as if he is struggling to remember - as if he knows the names are important. Interesting that he doesn't identify himself with the name Richard too, given that Diane signs the note as Linda and Laura identifies as Carrie. Tbh it might just be Lynch and Frost deliberately making it ambiguous, so that it isn't clear whether or not the plan is working as intended! (which I don't think is a bad thing necessarily lol)