Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
This is a burning question for many of us. I wanted to get this down while it's in my mind, having just watched parts 17 and 18 again.
"Is it future or is it past?" MIKE seems to ask this every time Cooper attempts to save Laura.
When Cooper leaves the Red Room, Diane is there waiting for him. The car that they are in is not a modern car, but I believe is the same car Cooper had when he drove into Twin Peaks.
When Diane and Cooper pass through the alternate dimension, which takes them to Odessa, Texas. The motel is not modern (2015-2017) either- the interior looks that of the late 80's. Even in Odessa, Texas (with all due respect,) the motel room would have at least been updated somewhat more to represent something of the 2000's. Even the telephone is a rotary, which certainly would have been replaced since 1989.
The next morning, Cooper knows that the motel isn't the same, and for a moment recognizes the car is different, but fails to recognize that it's (our) present day, not 1989.
Cooper says in part 17, "the past dictates the future." But does it?
In the street outside of "Laura's" house, Cooper somewhat stumbles, questioning "is this future or is this past?", realizing this can't be 1989, and realizes his mistake that this dimension hasn't worked to save Laura. Carrie screams.
I believe at this point, Cooper returns to the Red Room. Overlaid with the credits, we see Laura (or someone who "feels she knows Laura") whispering in Cooper's ear....
Just a theory I have, albeit incomplete.
Is this a repeat post? I remember commenting on this already.
Yes, but I made a mistake and I couldn't delete the topic- I had to fix it with this part: " but fails to recognize that it's (our) present day, not 1989." Sorry about that.
I don't think Cooper thinks it is 1989 when he drives Laura. He knows exactly that it SHOULD be present times, 25 years later. Laura is an older woman, he knows he is also older.
He thinks he saved Laura back in E17 and then he travels into that "other dimension" where Laura was alive, but no quite "the same". As if in an afterlife. This is why he says "things might not be the same when we cross" to Diane, he is trying to get to that other universe and reunite Laura with her mother.
So he knows exactly what year it is and should be, but his question is different and the meaning is different. And I don't think any of that is real. I laid my thoughts here:
Yes, but I made a mistake and I couldn't delete the topic- I had to fix it with this part: " but fails to recognize that it's (our) present day, not 1989." Sorry about that.
Well, to repeat, the car they are driving is not the one Cooper had in the pilot entering Twin Peaks. In the pilot he drives a 80's Ford LTD. With Diane he's driving a 60's Ford.
As far as the motel He and Diane have sex in the decor is not 80's. Even in 1989 it would have been rare to find a rotary phone still in use. So unless the motel is meant to be old and run down with out of date decor, etc. it's not 1989. In fact the only thing definitely 80's we see in the motel room is the TV but we don't see that until Cooper wakes up in the morning and it's clearly post 2003, if not present day. It is not rare to find CRT's around, especially in cheap places..