Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
Late in the season Gordon reveals a 25 year old discussion between himself, Dale, and Briggs. He reveals the identity of Judy.
Both of these elements had the feeling of a traditional mystery novel. When key elements are concealed by the reader/watcher until late in story simply to avoid any real opportunity to discover a truth early on.
Not complaining, just pointing out the rather traditional approach to mystery writing and how Lynch used it. Too busy this morning to get into a deeper conversation on rather he was, in some way, attempting to poke fun at that method or simply using it to his own purpose.
Judy + Garland (Briggs' first name) = Judy Garland, of Wizard of Oz, the novel/movie. I doubt it is a coincidence.
Judy Garland?
Strange name for a man.