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To all of the Lynch apologists...

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We all get the argument.  We know Lynch is not a traditional storyteller, and we also love him for that, just like you.  But when people are criticizing this season, you have to come up with a better retort than "You just don't get Lynch".  I promise you, we do.  

We aren't upset just because we were left with a cliffhanger.  We are upset that we spent 18 hours (and at least $50 for most of us) watching a show that honestly had no direction.  

We wanted a return to Twin Peaks.  The original cast had hardly any role.  The only people who played any significant role at all were the sheriff's department and the log lady.  Cooper had only one line the entire run that felt like Cooper ("I am the FI).  Threads were created that went nowhere.  Scenes dragged on and on and on (like this post) for no reason.  Audrey's entire arc was a letdown.   Dale wouldn't make an effort to at least check in on Audrey? Really?We spent more time on the casino owners than in Twin Peaks itself. 

Some scenes were great.  Some episodes were great.  As weird as it was, even for Lynch, I loved Episode 8.  But, honestly, just as much of this season was really boring.   We can all appreciate the beautiful madness of Lynch as much as you.  But how much of the finale was spent watching them drive?  That's not original, creative, artistic.  It's boring.  

Overall, I'm happy that this season happened, and I'm glad I watched it during this initial run.  I looked forward to it each week as much as the rest of you.  But I don't think it had the charm of the original show, and I think the season would have greatly benefited from more story and a severe editing (down to 12 eps, maybe?).

Posted : 04/09/2017 12:39 pm
laughingatsky, Chris Givens, EpicEsquire and 3 people reacted
Posts: 78
Trusted Member

I hate this and I'm starting to get to the point where this community, which has been so fantastic throughout, is becoming as childish and petty as any other online..which is truly sad.
When you start referring to somebody as an 'apologist' you're automatically stating that your opinion is the correct one and ours is wrong.
These are all opinions. If it felt boring to you, that's fair enough.
But it didn't to me and a lot of other people.
So to call us 'apologists' as though it was a derogatory term simply because we disagree with you is petulant as hell and not out of place on some political argument on Facebook.

Posted : 04/09/2017 12:45 pm
Carlos Azevedo, Lynn Watson, dopplearb and 7 people reacted
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Twin Peaks, in toto, is the greatest cinematic/television event in the history of motion pictures.  I apologize for nothing.

Posted : 04/09/2017 12:46 pm
Posts: 2608

Hey folks, let's not start turning on each other now. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but let us not resort to insults. This is still the best forum around and we've come so far together, we can make it through this too.

Posted : 04/09/2017 12:50 pm
Posts: 112
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In the words of our favourite Tulpa, "Fuck you, Steve". 😉 

Posted : 04/09/2017 12:51 pm
Posts: 251
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Who are this 'we' you represent Steve?  

Posted : 04/09/2017 12:53 pm
Posts: 152
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Posted by: Steve Purtee

We all get the argument.  We know Lynch is not a traditional storyteller, and we also love him for that, just like you.  But when people are criticizing this season, you have to come up with a better retort than "You just don't get Lynch".  I promise you, we do.  

We aren't upset just because we were left with a cliffhanger.  We are upset that we spent 18 hours (and at least $50 for most of us) watching a show that honestly had no direction.  

We wanted a return to Twin Peaks.  The original cast had hardly any role.  The only people who played any significant role at all were the sheriff's department and the log lady.  Cooper had only one line the entire run that felt like Cooper ("I am the FI).  Threads were created that went nowhere.  Scenes dragged on and on and on (like this post) for no reason.  Audrey's entire arc was a letdown.   Dale wouldn't make an effort to at least check in on Audrey? Really?We spent more time on the casino owners than in Twin Peaks itself. 

Some scenes were great.  Some episodes were great.  As weird as it was, even for Lynch, I loved Episode 8.  But, honestly, just as much of this season was really boring.   We can all appreciate the beautiful madness of Lynch as much as you.  But how much of the finale was spent watching them drive?  That's not original, creative, artistic.  It's boring.  

Overall, I'm happy that this season happened, and I'm glad I watched it during this initial run.  I looked forward to it each week as much as the rest of you.  But I don't think it had the charm of the original show, and I think the season would have greatly benefited from more story and a severe editing (down to 12 eps, maybe?).

Just curious, but how many movies would it take till your $50 were spent at a cinema nowadays?  Would you get 18 hours worth of decent movies for that price?

It isn't a case of "You just don't get Lynch" - nobody really gets Lynch but it's soo much fun being a passenger and pointing at the landscape as it passes by on that long journey.   You just go along for the ride... HIS ride.  Twin Peaks is whatever he dreams and makes it, not what you want it to be - that would be boring.

Posted : 04/09/2017 12:54 pm
Posts: 62
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If some people like it and you didn't, it doesn't make them apologists.  However, you making posts like this is the essence of being a troll.    That doesn't mean you shouldn't  voice a dissenting opinion...it's certainly valid not to like how things turned out, but there is no need to disparage those who did not feel the same way.

Posted : 04/09/2017 12:55 pm
Posts: 127
Estimable Member

Maybe elsewhere on the webs, people unhappy with the ending are being attacked, mocked, whatever? Not here though. And I must say some of those here unhappy with the ending have insinuated that those who liked it or are withholding judgement to think about it more are frauds or elitists or "Lynch lovers" (whatever that means).

It's fine to be unhappy with the conclusion but to imply that Lynch and Frost didn't know what they were doing is misguided IMO. This is the way they wanted to end the story. And we're free to reject it or work with it. I want to work with it.



Posted : 04/09/2017 12:59 pm
Posts: 31
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Posted by: Joshua Moulinie

I hate this and I'm starting to get to the point where this community, which has been so fantastic throughout, is becoming as childish and petty as any other online..which is truly sad.
When you start referring to somebody as an 'apologist' you're automatically stating that your opinion is the correct one and ours is wrong.
These are all opinions. If it felt boring to you, that's fair enough.
But it didn't to me and a lot of other people.
So to call us 'apologists' as though it was a derogatory term simply because we disagree with you is petulant as hell and not out of place on some political argument on Facebook.

There is nothing petulant about this.  Many of us feel legitimately let down by this season, and whenever we criticize anything, we are told we are not "true fans" and "just don't get it".  If you enjoyed every bit of this season, great.  I have no problem with that.  But don't insult me because I have the gall to question the genius of David Lynch.    

Posted : 04/09/2017 1:01 pm
Posts: 165
Estimable Member

Here is my biggest gripe.. I didn't expect things to be tied into a pretty bow.. this is Lynch and we know what we sign up for.. However, when watching Twin Peaks I felt like I was watching Twin Peaks characters with a story that reminded me more of Inland Empire, Lost Highway, and Muholland Drive then it did of Twin Peaks..

and please stop trying to tell me I didn't understand .. I was watching the samething everyone else here was watching.. like I started a thread about episode 16 .. I knew that was the end of Audrey storyline but the majority of fans here didn't agree.. I heard a lot of  theories like no cooper and Audrey came back to us in the same episode.. and I knew last week that didn't mean shit .. 

Now on the whole yes it was an ok series but I will take the original anyday.. well at least season 1.. just because Lynch is a chef doesn't mean I'm eating his soup 

Posted : 04/09/2017 1:06 pm
Posts: 31
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It doesn't make me a troll to criticize the show.  I've seen a dozen threads today created by people pissed off about the finale and the show in general, and I'm getting tired of the typical "you just don't get it" response.  

There was quite a bit I did enjoy, and I'm trying to actively engage in discussions beyond just criticism.  But I felt that critics were being too easily dismissed, and something should be said.  

Posted : 04/09/2017 1:08 pm
Posts: 78
Trusted Member

I'm not insulting you though, it's the other way around. You're lumping everybody who doesn't dislike it as an 'apologist' and that is a meant in a derogatory manner.
I personally can understand entirely why it divided people.
As much as I, on a second viewing, do really like it, I can certainly see why some don't though.
Problem is, you state your opinion as though it were fact. Naturally, this will irritate those with a differing opinion.
Maybe try instead of 'It's not creative...it's boring'...'I found it boring.'
That small change of terminology goes a long way.

Posted : 04/09/2017 1:12 pm
Posts: 62
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I think I made it pretty clear that criticizing Lynch or the show doesn't make you a troll.  I said its pretty valid not to like how things ended.  I just took issue with you "addressing all Lynch apologists", which I considered trolling behavior.  If you have been attacked for voicing a dissenting opinion, that would be equally bad.  If you disliked Part 17/18, go right ahead and keep saying so.  It's a perfectly reasonable response.  

Posted : 04/09/2017 1:15 pm
Posts: 31
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Posted by: Joshua Moulinie

I'm not insulting you though, it's the other way around. You're lumping everybody who doesn't dislike it as an 'apologist' and that is a meant in a derogatory manner.
I personally can understand entirely why it divided people.
As much as I, on a second viewing, do really like it, I can certainly see why some don't though.
Problem is, you state your opinion as though it were fact. Naturally, this will irritate those with a differing opinion.
Maybe try instead of 'It's not creative...it's boring'...'I found it boring.'
That small change of terminology goes a long way.

Joshua, when I used the word "apologists",  the last thing on my mind was to be insulting.  I didn't mean that in a derogatory manner at all.  But there are clearly some fans who will defend Lynch no matter what, and can't admit that he's not perfect.  Again, if you loved it all, that's fine.  But some people can't seem to understand that some of us didn't love it all, and they seem to be so blind to their Lynch devotion that they can't accept that we can "get it" and still be unhappy.  

All I'm saying is that if you see a thread where someone is expressing their displeasure, and the only response you can come up with is "Well, that's Lynch", maybe try a little harder.  

Posted : 04/09/2017 1:21 pm
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