Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
Are the Stupas self contained Universes?
Naido flips the switch, Cooper enters the Universe of season 3.
When Mr C. goes to the Fireman's house there is an entire room full of electrical stupas.
The White Lodge/Fireman's house would be the Overworld, where all other worlds are contained. They have finite control over the worlds, evil has seeped into some, missed others. Think Leibniz's "best possible worlds" argument and how there could have been an infinite number of Universes created until God (the Fireman?) crafts the best possible.
When the atomic bomb is dropped, the attention is on the Stupa (The self-contained universe where the explosion occurred?)
I've not really thought this through, but it did pop into my head so I thought I would put this out there to the more intelligent posters. I don't expect it to be true either, but I live for these discussions.
For reference;
My idea is that the real force of the Universe is ELECTRICITY. The Stupas are clearly controlled and powered by electricity. Why are there so many in Gods house?
And according to Jeffries it's slippery in there!