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I'm still trying to figure this part out!! Any theories or links would be much appreciated!!
Only thing I can think is Audrey is defiantly in "the Lodge" somehow.
But how does this tie into the larger picture of part idea!!
Or was Laura the little girl who lived down the lane......or didn't.
Perhaps Charlie ended that story. All those little stories.
I'm still trying to figure this part out!! Any theories or links would be much appreciated!!
Only thing I can think is Audrey is defiantly in "the Lodge" somehow.
But how does this tie into the larger picture of part idea!!
But who really was "the little girl who lived down the lane"?.
I'm still trying to figure this part out!! Any theories or links would be much appreciated!!
Only thing I can think is Audrey is defiantly in "the Lodge" somehow.
But how does this tie into the larger picture of part idea!!
Maybe in some manner Audrey and Laura are tied together at the soul level, and when we see the Evolution of the Arm saying that line, it is showing how their paths have crossed in the Lodge.
I'm really starting to think I should dust off my old copy of Alice Bailey.
I'm still trying to figure this part out!! Any theories or links would be much appreciated!!
Only thing I can think is Audrey is defiantly in "the Lodge" somehow.
But how does this tie into the larger picture of part idea!!
Maybe in some manner Audrey and Laura are tied together at the soul level, and when we see the Evolution of the Arm saying that line, it is showing how their paths have crossed in the Lodge.
I'm really starting to think I should dust off my old copy of Alice Bailey.
A thought I have is that both Laura and Audrey are sharing the Twin Peaks dream, to an extent. They both wake at the same time. Story inconsistencies may be due to their differing perspectives. Audrey's story is contained within Twin Peaks, while Laura's story is broader.
If you could put the "theme" of TPTR into one sentence it might be "souls are waking up." Audrey's disaster of a story is actually the waking up of the soul that we saw a spark of in the original series. Laura's scream is the scream of a soul waking up. Cooper's entire season is about waking up.
So Charlie is Lynch is Cole ♨️?
: ) ALL Lynch
If you could put the "theme" of TPTR into one sentence it might be "souls are waking up." Audrey's disaster of a story is actually the waking up of the soul that we saw a spark of in the original series. Laura's scream is the scream of a soul waking up. Cooper's entire season is about waking up.
Yes. This. My one sentence summary of Twin Peaks The Return is souls are caught in the cycle of reincarnation and suffering, but begin to wake up and move towards enlightenment.
I'm still trying to figure this part out!! Any theories or links would be much appreciated!!
Only thing I can think is Audrey is defiantly in "the Lodge" somehow.
But how does this tie into the larger picture of part idea!!
What was Audrey defiant about?
I think the little girl who lived down the lane was the little girl in episode 8 the black and white episode . I think it makes sense the little girl grew up to be Sarah Palmer and in reality Cooper needed to go back in time to that moment when the evil was unleashed after the detonation of the A-bomb. Although I'm sure some can debate that , since Leland was the host to Bob, but maybe the little girl was the host to Judy and the little boy she kissed was Leland. I don't know if that makes sense but its so much fun to revisit these episodes and try to figure this whole mystery out.
I think the little girl who lived down the lane was the little girl in episode 8 the black and white episode . I think it makes sense the little girl grew up to be Sarah Palmer and in reality Cooper needed to go back in time to that moment when the evil was unleashed after the detonation of the A-bomb. Although I'm sure some can debate that , since Leland was the host to Bob, but maybe the little girl was the host to Judy and the little boy she kissed was Leland. I don't know if that makes sense but its so much fun to revisit these episodes and try to figure this whole mystery out.
That's a fair reading of the little girl, as she was a little girl (young innocent woman) who did live down a lane. Maybe we've spent too much time trying to biologically connect her to characters in the season when the connection is spiritual to various women in the show. For example, we tried to make her be Sarah, but what if she ended up being somehow connected to Audrey instead? What if the boy was some iteration of Cooper, not Leland? He would be biologically too old, but we've seen the timelines messing around with age and time before. IE this is just wild speculation but what if the boy were Cooper sent back in time as a kid to stop Judy?
I think the little girl who lived down the lane was the little girl in episode 8 the black and white episode . I think it makes sense the little girl grew up to be Sarah Palmer and in reality Cooper needed to go back in time to that moment when the evil was unleashed after the detonation of the A-bomb. Although I'm sure some can debate that , since Leland was the host to Bob, but maybe the little girl was the host to Judy and the little boy she kissed was Leland. I don't know if that makes sense but its so much fun to revisit these episodes and try to figure this whole mystery out.
Then what came out of the box and killed the couple?