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Hi everyone, I'm not sure if anyone asked this before, but what, if any ideas, do people have about the "transformation" of Phillip Jeffries? Now clearly, something had to be done about his character, since David Bowie passed on. A simple explanation could be, they needed to display the character without 'showing' the human, and since they had no money for fancy CGI, this was the cheapest alternative.
Although we can admit this is the most likely explanation. I get the feeling that David Lynch may have had something deeper in his meta-story for Jeffries' transformation. I'm sure I'm not the first to note this, but his character in Season 3 really reminded me of the Catapillar in the Alice books, except of course, he was some kind of steam machine.
Lynch could have display Jeffries in any number of ways, including as a different actor, why display him as a machine? In other fiction, say Star Trek TNG, there are entities like the Borg that transform organics into zombie-like cyborg. Could Lynch be speaking something similar to his "cyborg" of Phillip Jeffries?
We note that many of the Lodge entities can be viewed as personification of abstract ideas, for instance "The Jumping Man" could be electricity, I'm not sure about the other entities, but it's almost like they are personifications of natural phenomena possibly.
As people have noted, although the entities "interact" with people, it can't be said that they really "converse" with them, more like packets of information, in the abstract sense, is exchanged between the entities and the people. Kind of like telephony modems going through the querying process before they connect to each other.
Anyone have similar notions? Pretty late at night, and mind is fried, so maybe none of this making any sense !
That is a fascinating set of ideas, i'll have to think about that for a while. It brings to mind Burroughs and of course Kafka.