Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
Has anyone else considered the comparison to Richard Horne (Audrey and Mr. C's child) to Laura Palmer. Think about it....Leland was inhabited by BOB for many years, even before Laura was born. So in many ways, Laura was misplaced in this dimension since she was a byproduct of Sarah and Leland (aka BOB). Richard Horne was misplaced being a product of Mr. C (inhabited by BOB) and Audrey. Laura was sent back before her death by Cooper leading her in the woods. Mr C. Led his son Richard back to whatever dimension. The mystery of Audrey is waking up in a white dimension staring herself in the mirror is interesting because of the transformation in Sarah Palmer as well. Sarah Palmer isn't herself, just as Audrey was not herself (in the same way that Diane knew she was not herself). does anyone else find this link fascinating? The parallel of children being born as offspring to BOB and the resulting effects on the mothers)