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Still reeling? Here's a theory.

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Apologies if this has already surfaced here.

Kyle MacClachlan tweeted this


Worth a read.

See you at the curtain call...maybe.


Posted : 09/09/2017 4:38 pm
laughingatsky and Myn0k reacted
Posts: 968
Prominent Member

 I read that earlier this morning. Highly recommend it to all!

Make yourself a coffee and give yourself twenty minutes - well worth it!

Posted : 09/09/2017 4:40 pm
Posts: 78
Trusted Member

That is excellent.

Posted : 09/09/2017 4:55 pm
Posts: 251
Reputable Member

Still reading it, but problems.


They drive a rickety 80s-vintage car because they do expect to find a world stuck in 1989, because this is Laura’s dreamworld. They enter a mysterious, empty world, and check into a motel with 80s-era fixtures: a rotary phone, CRT television, and old-fashioned locks. 


The car they are driving is 60s era, not 80's, and except for the seats the car is in excellent shape.The fixtures in the motel aren't 80's vintage except for the CRT TV which we actually don't see until Cooper wakes up the next day in a modern time period. And rotary phones were mostly replaced by push buttons in the 80s. Certainly by 1989.

Posted : 09/09/2017 5:12 pm
Posts: 571
Honorable Member

Lots of interesting thoughts.  I still need my rewatch. 

Posted : 09/09/2017 5:33 pm
Posts: 122
Estimable Member

I like in that theory that at last someone else remember garmonbozia. I was arguing here with people who think Black Lodge no longer need it, because little man evolved into the tree...I resigned, feeling helpless. Black Lodge is Black Lodge, no angels or God. There is no evolution to heaven. There will be always evil in this world. That's why I disagree with this theory in first point. Judy cannot be defeated. There are others minors things, but this one is huge. What would that mean ? They destroyed evil and now it is a dream world with angels and everyone is good ?

Judy don't need to be "sitting" in Sarah Palmer. Even her child Bob could enter Leland whenever he want. So his mother is so impaired, that she can only be in Sarah Palmer 🙂 Bob easily run out Leland at jail, when vessel dead. For me it's bullshit that some extreme powerfull force is in Sarah Palmer only and cannot do any move from her body.

Posted : 09/09/2017 5:47 pm
Posts: 150
Estimable Member

Yowza. Well that's a deeper dive into Twin Peaks mythology than I ever would've managed (or willingly undertaken...) on my own. What I like is that it gives me more respect for The Plan. I always believed David Lynch knew The Plan in detail in his own mind - I never thought it was some empty plot device. At the same time, I felt the contours of The Plan were so far beyond fuzzy that it might as well have been... an empty plot device. In other words, I didn't believe Lynch had been lazy - I believed he'd poured so much white-hot thought into it inside his own head that it vaporized on contact with the outside world. If that makes any sense.

I don't know how close this writer gets, but it hangs together well enough that I'm willing to believe more of this was "gettable" than I gave Lynch credit for.

I still hope he's fine if 98% of viewers never have the faintest, most abstract inkling of what he was going for (well, I'm sure he is), because that's how it's going to be. If this analysis is even close to the truth, it won't be a matter of people looking at an apple and thinking it's an orange - it'll be more like looking at an apple and thinking it's a pink flamingo. But that's Lynch for ya.

Posted : 09/09/2017 6:34 pm
Posts: 251
Reputable Member

Wow, alot to break down here because there are so many suppositions:

Laura then stays in the Cage for 25 years, living out a mostly uneventful life as Carrie Page in Odessa, Texas.Laura’s subsequent life as Carrie Page appears to have been better than her childhood, judging by what little we learn of her, but there is still a dead body in her living room when Cooper shows up. The Cage is, perhaps, Laura’s dream of the life she hoped to have if she could escape her childhood.

Really? There's a dead guy on her couch. Plus we get an entire speech on how she messed up her youth and life.  Laura dreamed of a crappy life in another place where she ends up with a dead body on her couch?

The Cage is not Judy’s domain. It is a White Lodge creation given shape by Laura’s own dreams. The jackrabbit is the symbol of Odessa. The Fireman knew of the Cage by the time Andy took his trip into the White Lodge: he showed Andy a picture of the #6 pylon outside Carrie Page’s house. The Fireman is conscious of the plan and an accomplice to it.


The portal the fireman controls is near Jackrabbit palace. The motel Cooper comes from is near Odessa with it's jackrabbit symbol. Maybe the implication of this is just that the motel sequence is part of the Fireman's doing and not all of the alternate world? And the Fireman has always seen the future. It doesn't mean he's controlling everything he shows.

Laura is a bomb? What's with all the angel imagery? She's the Holy Hand Grenade?

Sam and Tracey appeared to draw the Experiment to them by having sex (sex is almost always bad in Lynch films), whereupon the Experiment brutally slaughtered them at the height of their fear. Diane and Cooper now reenact this summoning ritual in order to draw Judy into the Cage.

Sex summons Judy and is garmonbozia? Really? Given the amount of illicit and adulterous sex going on the the world at any given moment I think Judy would be fairly satiated by this point. And we are supposed to forget Cooper had JUST been in the glass box prior to the Experiment showing up?


Honestly, it's too much going through this. So much is built upon suppositions of what the character is feeling at any one given time to explain what is happening. 

The main problem I have with it is everybody is dead. Cooper is dead. I just don't buy this as Lynch and Frost's intent. This was meant to be an 18 hour movie but it's not meant to stand alone or be an end. There's been no talk of more but if this had been a huge hit you can bet there would be. They wouldn't kill everyone off. What would be the title of what comes next?

Twin Peaks: Ooops?

Maybe Lynch would do this, but Frost wouldn't.



The shame stems not only from allowing the boy to kiss her, but also because the boy is not white: both factors which would have caused anxiety in many a fair-skinned 1950s teenage girl.

I disagree with this. I don't think race has any factor here. The boy is clearly mixed race and it's not certain the girl isn't. Shot in black and white this becomes even more fuzzy. The girl is asking if he had broke up with his girlfriend and felt bad about it. She's clearly concerned about trying to have a public relationship with him without issues related to the old girlfriend. Not something likely if she was feeling guilty about race issues. The actor playing the boy is there causes he's good looking and they think a good actor. Not his race.

Posted : 09/09/2017 6:45 pm
Sonia Kay reacted
Posts: 150
Estimable Member

Just wondering... does anyone have thoughts on how the overlay of Cooper's face in the Sheriff's Station would be explained in this theory?

In other theories, this has been explained as... a Cooper dreaming the scene... or a Cooper watching from the Lodge... or a time-traveling/dimension-hopping Cooper visiting this point in time more than once. Lots of variations in there.

But I'm not sure how it fits into this theory, which is pretty uncompromising about sending Cooper on a one-way trip to the Cage... where everything is destroyed. There doesn't seem to be any loophole for him to return to this moment - or even to be dreaming or watching it. Thoughts?

Posted : 09/09/2017 10:07 pm
Posts: 251
Reputable Member

That's just another point against this theory. It's mostly stuff taken in isolation without dealing with how it works against other scenes. 

Posted : 09/09/2017 10:37 pm
WELCOME TO TWIN PEAKS | Fanning the fire, one (b)log at a time | And there's always David Lynch in the air...
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