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Since when can everyone see BOB?

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Posts: 99
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In the original run, only the "gifted and damned" can see Bob. But in franks office during that final battle scene, everyone can see the bob glob?! To me (and this is just my opinion) it's more evidence that what happened in season 3 was not the same reality as the season 1 and 2, but rather some sort of dream world. I'm just curious how everyone else explains why the sudden ability for everyone to see The Bob glob. 

Posted : 10/09/2017 10:42 pm
Posts: 356
Reputable Member

Who saw Bob when he was still in Mr. C?

You are talking apples and oranges. 

Posted : 10/09/2017 10:50 pm
Posts: 99
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Not sure what you're asking, did you not see everyone in franks office watching Bob come out of Dopple coops body? In the final battle, everyone, including the Mitchums see Bob, albeit as a blob thing. Why would it matter if Bob is with the Dopple Coop or not? It's still Bob. We are just supposed to assume that when Bob is with Dopple Coop, anyone can see him? Also, please note that I put in parentheses that this is my opinion and I respect other people's interpretation. By saying I'm comparing apples and oranges completely evades the question in my first post. I am merely curious how everyone interprets why everyone can see him. So a more constructive response would just be to answer how you explain how anyone can see Bob all of the sudden. And it really shouldn't matter if it's Bob in "human form" or bob in glob form. The fact of the matter is, nobody except for a select few from from the original run, can see any of this shit. 


Posted : 10/09/2017 11:18 pm
Posts: 356
Reputable Member

I think the Bob orb must be visible to human beings when the Woodsman appear and do their hocus pocus as in the scenes with Ray and the crew in the sheriff's station.  The two times we see this happen, he is visible to all humans in the vicinity. 


Posted : 10/09/2017 11:26 pm
WELCOME TO TWIN PEAKS | Fanning the fire, one (b)log at a time | And there's always David Lynch in the air...
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