Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
Jeffries said it.
Cooper said it.
We live in a dream....ok. I accept that.
Seems this crucial bit of info is revealed to both while they are "away' from this plane of being.
I take it that Jeffries was only at the convenience store (not in the lodge as Cooper was).
but they both got this info & believe it.
What is the source of this info? Were they told it, did they see the dreamer?
how'd they come to this conclusion? (I'd almost like to know that more than "who is dreaming').
heck, maybe its Mgr Briggs dreaming...we do see his head....and the dream would be in his floating head.
There is an ARM, so there should be the rest of the body, somewhere, legs, feet head... (but where is where)?
Maybe the lodges are Awareness...full of all the good & bad in the world...connected by electrical impulses.....creating visions, worlds, entities...etc.
who knows....I love the mystery of it all
I kind of like the idea that the Lodges are Awareness. A brain functions on electrochemical impulses. Therefore, the entire known universe could be within someone's mind. The Lodges some level of awareness and the "real" world of the show that dreamer's subconscious...or something like that.
This Wizzard of Oz theory is getting way out of hand
FYI, The Arm was the left arm of a Dugpas (Mike, appropriately nicknamed The One Armed Man) that he cut off. . . How that became a Dugpas, and a Doopleganger, or, how one Dugpas was two had yet to explained fully
I feel it means that reality has dreamesque qualities; it is fluid, subject to change depending on the individual's strength of perception. Cole's talk about the Jefferies dream, to me, felt like something that happened, that was now "closed", and thereby lost until remembered. It just seems to indicate what we see, that Twin Peaks has a fluid dreamlike exisitence, multiple worlds sitting on top of each other and in each other. Not just the Lodges, but the world itself. Changing the past doesn't linearly change the past, it feels like someone dipping their fingers into the water, disturbing coherancy in all directions, and its a question of whether you can navigate those shifts and ebbs. That to me feels more like what Twin Peaks is about, rather than it being a very literal "in someone's head".
I kind of like the idea that the Lodges are Awareness. A brain functions on electrochemical impulses. Therefore, the entire known universe could be within someone's mind.
That reminds me of the address on the letter the minister sent to Jane Crofut in Our Town:
Jane Crofut
The Crofut Farm
Grover's Corners
Sutton County
New Hampshire
United States of America
Continent of North America
Western Hemisphere
the Earth
the Solar System
the Universe
the Mind of God
All that, and he still forgot the Zip Code. Go figure! 😉
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I have to ask again. Jeffries says this right after talking about the meeting at the convenience store, that is people from the Black Lodge. Cooper says this from what is seemingly somewhere else, probably the Black Lodge. Why does WE mean the people in Twin peaks and them and not the people in the Black Lodge?
Why doesn't WE mean "who I am with" instead of WE as in everybody?
It could mean that but more likely the WE applies to the people present at the time of the statement. If I walk into the other room right now and state, "We live inside a dream," it's more likely I'm talking about we, my family in the room, not myself and some other people who aren't present like me and my colleagues at work, for instance.
It could mean that but more likely the WE applies to the people present at the time of the statement. If I walk into the other room right now and state, "We live inside a dream," it's more likely I'm talking about we, my family in the room, not myself and some other people who aren't present like me and my colleagues at work, for instance.
Yes, but the Cooper stating that is not present. There is a Cooper there but he is not the Cooper saying we live inside a dream. If meant in that way why wouldn't the Cooper present say it?
If you are eating potatoes with some people in 1 room and walk into another that has other people, or even yell it to the room you are in, and say 'We eat potatoes." do you mean the people who you are talking to when you say WE?