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I can understand her pain if she watched all those episodes seeing Eddie Vedder, Nine Inch Nails ....etc performing complete songs. She was probably thinking she was getting a whole song as well and then what she got in comparison felt ripped off.
She shouldn't complain, she had it better than the Twin Peaks sign 🙂
That poor sign. It never stood a chance.
Shortsighted of her. The song had impact at the point, deep impact. And she must be sucking in the royalty money given the amount of time the theme "by Julee Cruise" plays on every episode.
You know I hadn't made the connection between the events that take place both times that song is playing. Such an important theme. One of my favorites.
With such an ungrateful mentality, no wonder her career has been very uninteresting after her Lynch/Badalamenti collaboration.
She should probably work on a duet with Michael J. Anderson 🙂
She was so important to TP since the beginning...
...but Eddie Vedder and Trent Reznor essentially get mid episode music videos and she gets a strangely short blip of an appearance?
That makes Lynch appear ungrateful for her contributions to the series IMO.
And don't forget James XD
But seriously I think this working relationship they have is difficult and I wouldn't make any assumptions based on her raw reaction.
Someone should have linked her to Charlie's Deathbag. Instead she went on Facebook. Whoops.
Well, at least she didn't roll with:
"Don't you know who I am?!?"
"I AM Twin Peaks!!!"
It's still cringeworthy behavior, of course.
Maybe Jeffries misheard the name and the extreme negative force is really called Julee not Judy.
Yes, ungrateful
And don't forget James XD
But seriously I think this working relationship they have is difficult and I wouldn't make any assumptions based on her raw reaction.
Someone should have linked her to Charlie's Deathbag. Instead she went on Facebook. Whoops.
Lordy lordy lordy you KNOW the universe is out of whack and we are living in a tilting, collapsing dimension. I'd have gone postal if I was Julee and found out stupid Jimmy got a whole stupid song that everybody makes fun of and I got 15 seconds. That's enough to drive anyone to insanity.
Her complaints certainly seemed to be about how her scene was edited and presented, and yeah, it is not her first round of drama with DL.
I thought is was the right place, and the right piece!
At least James got to perform his entire song. Every other song paled in comparison to his masterpiece ?
I'll get her some cheese to go with the whine.
I'll get her some cheese to go with the whine.
Excellent 🙂
Yes, ungrateful
It was a rhetorical question.
At least James got to perform his entire song. Every other song paled in comparison to his masterpiece ?
Your steadfast loyalty to James's song is one of my favorite things on this forum. XD
Many of the old actors had limited screen time as well so I don't think she would have a reason to complain for not having a big performance just for being previously connected to the show...
...the fact that the Chromatics, NIN, Eddie Vedder and more got full performances like they were on Saturday Night Live when she gets a half a clip was odd.
When I saw her onscreen I got excited we were finally seeing her and then it was over before I knew it.
I mean I found it a bit jarring so I can only imagine how she felt.