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Judy/Negativity is NOT The Enemy, nor 'Mother'; and Judy Can Never Be Destroyed or Possessed, it is Inexistant

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Though Judy/Negativity is the source of the problem, why Agent Cooper can never come to rest or create a 'happy ending' and re-immerse himself back into nature, since this becomes Odessa, Texas; nevertheless, Judy/negativity inside of a person, and in nature, is the only way to deal with the problem: negative reaction to Judy/negativity is where dreams emerge(Andy's dreams from the void/negative in the woods, etc.), along with thinking, and freedom from Odessa and its natural cycles of blind feeding, slow decay, meaninglessness, outbursts of violence, generation and corruption, the 'world of truck drivers'.

Cooper has already met Judy, as Jeffries tells him, this is what split him into two and had him trapped in the red room, what made him mad, etc., separation of dreams from life, etc., void in nature and in himself, negativity.  Jeffries tells Cooper, 'this is where youll find Judy', specifically in the convenience motel.  Cooper encounters Judy after trying to consummate existence with Diane(Mr. C trying to possess Judy, or make it exist, also a goal of Dougie/Cooper), who he was trying to bring back as she was before the rape, also bring back Laura as if she was never killed.  In the motel similar to the one Jeffries is in, the 'happy ending' world where someone 'flushed out', or 'got' Judy, is torn to shreds, since the factual solution cannot hide the problems/antagonisms/negativity in antagonism with the situation(Diane remembers the rape, Cooper starts having to remember how he was Mr. C(now called 'Richard'), etc., the Laura Palmer tragedy).  Judy is met here, when positive life shows itself unfit for the dreams and the negative antagonisms that people have with the situation.  Judy is infinity, etc., flips to two sides, then the stone just travels on one surface, showing that the 'split' charachters (two Dianes, two Coopers, etc.) are just two sides of the same 'infinity' surface, mobius strip, etc., that Judy is an infinite part of them and existence.  No getting rid of Judy......Laura screams, etc...these things happened, and a big problem here, still happening in 'Judy's Diner' where Cooper properly has a problem/negative reaction to them.....Judy is the missing element, cannot be gotten rid of, an is even the source of the 'solution', negating a 'wrong', to the extent that there could ever be a solution for such unspeakable tragedies......

In this case, when the stone does not 'flip' or switch into two sides, like the fingerprints of Dougie/Mr. C, but instead moves on the same side from one place to the other, its a matter of killing BOB as an external spirit and introducing Mr. C back into Cooper, who is now in control over himself again.  Finally Cooper dealt with 'what he was missing', the dreams of community, justice 'saving Laura', etc. the negativity when these dreams were crushed by the life inadequate to sustain these basic things, etc. Negativity/Judy is now part of Cooper himself, so that he can have a negative reaction to the horrors of life/'world of truck drivers'/failures of the civil society and state....now negativity does not run off like an external/automatic force, BOB, etc, with one 'positive' side looking to end it for all time, denying it, hiding from it, etc......

What was Cooper missing that drove him mad? The woman to complement his dreams,  the ideal 'homecoming queen' Laura, Annie, Diane, etc......it was hiding from negativity/Judy,, or trying to 'get it'/eliminate it/'flush it out which led to BOB, who needed to be fully integrated with the woman 'Laura', kept going on wild momentum for full positive possession of woman, refusing Judy and negativity.  This is why Cooper and MIKE(whose arm was still talking to BOB) had to be told by Jeffries to meet with Judy, where they will meet Judy, in the motel; and also Mr. C was told that he already met Judy(Mr. C was scared of this, since he was on a wild search to possess or eliminate Judy, as Cole said, he was searching for the coordinates of Judy).  Dougie and Mr. C were both two different/opposite ways to hide from dealing with Judy, both positive/factual solutions bound to fail: Dougie just wanted to integrate himself into life/mother nature no matter what, even get in with criminals, then at the end factually fix everything and come to rest in a perfect place, etc., which ended in the complete failure of Odessa, worse than death; and on the other end, Mr. C was on the search to possess Judy, find Judy positively, even though it is negativity/'inexistence', so that it cannot be found in the world.  Judy/negativity is in the disconnect of dreams from nature, that there is no positive/factual connection to be found or achieved, but 'inexistence'/disconnection, inability to put the matter to rest once and for all, always an antagonism that comes up to deal with, etc.....that the 'woman does not exist/vanishes', that life/nature is not fit for dreams, there is a negative disconnect; but it is only through meeting Judy/negativity, this disconnect, that Cooper and Diane could have a negative reaction to it, Judy is now integrated into them, they are no longer driven mad by nature/life/BOB to search for a positive factual 'Judy' to possess, thus hide from the negativity.  Only after meeting the 'inexistent' Judy in the motel, when their attempt to 'make everything factually right'(Diane back to pre-rape, Cooper back to 'old Coop', Laura not dead, etc.) failed horribly, could then Cooper and Diane make the appropriate negative/Judy reaction to the situation, with Cooper becoming disillusioned with Odessa life, the motel, and go into Judy's cafe, deal with truck drivers, and gamble of the 'oil bullets', etc., then take Laura back to the scene of the tragedy and away from the unspeakable horror of Odessa life. 

   It is only back at the tragedy, facing it, negative reaction to it, that the wrongness of what happened and the importance of Laura's dreams can be properly upheld and negatively opposed to the factual situation of widespread injustice, sleepwalking, Odessa life creeping/crawling around; this is why its better for Laura to return to the scene of the tragedy and also why Sarah began to smash Laura's dream picture of Laura as homecoming queen' when Cooper factually/positively fixed everything, since this killed Laura's dreams by denying dreams, which are negative/Judy reaction to the injustices of life, what improves life to the standards of dreams, rather than letting it slop around as the life-waste, truck drivers, etc.  Diane here also, who could only have the negative reaction to the rape properly, and not be under the automatic direction of BOB/Mr. C, once 'meeting Judy' in the motel room...there is nothing out there in life Diane would ever find at those bars, with the 'stable', taking order from BOB/Mr. C, etc., she had to give proper importance to her pre-rape dreams by putting them in negative/Judy response to the horror she had been through, like Laura at the house.  Positivity, factual solution, superhero ending, heroes kill bad guy, etc. is the biggest enemy here, it denies negativity, that there are problems and tragedies here, and does not allow the 'inexistent' 'dreamer' to negatively deal with these problems in their proper horror.....What life would be worth living for Cooper, Diane, Laura, without the negativity of their dreams against the horror of life, the trauma of Odessa/'world of truck drivers', etc., in its silent creeping stupidity, blind meaningless natural cycle of feeding, death, etc....?

Judy is not the enemy here, the extreme negative force is necessary and where dreams come from......, just that it cannot be finally positive, factual, possessed, dealt with once and for all, it is negative/inexistent, dreams of something better that is not 'there'......the negative reaction comes back around, and also allows the taking a distance from life, etc. explains, gives the space to articulate the horror and reaction to the entire situation, the unfolding of the mystery, beginning with new clues, thinking through whats going on and what has happened, etc.....rather than the automatic momentum of life, BOB, etc., which is correlative to directly trying to fix everything, happy ending, coming to rest, full positivity, eliminating the excess and dreams once and for all, digital network/google supplies all facts about everyone once and for all, programmed people, etc..

  Judy is not 'the mother', the 'mother' is 'mother nature', black fire, sick/vomiting life, etc(as shown on Hawks, map);  life is always sick because there is a negative reaction when trying to integrate yourself into life, because life is also negatively split by vortexes/voids, so that to try and just 'live' makes you sick, following the natural blind violence which doesn't think or dream, just lashes out, goes through cycles, etc., generation and corruption, Odessa life, what was driving Mr. C, etc., the black fire etc., .....like Mr. C or Diane walking down the hallway to kill the Blue Rose Task Force, the automatic momentum of nature.......'the mother' is full positivity/facts, BOB taking Laura/Judy completely, superhero ending, 'Odessa life', without negativity, without dreams... Judy is 'inexistence', not positive life, not the 'mother' giving birth to BOB; and this word inexistence was so scary to Cooper, he was hiding from negativity/Judy, thats how he became Mr. C and Dougie, BOB etc., always looking to fully possess positively the woman, end it, come to rest like Dougie creeping around Las Vegas, etc.....'mother' controls this 'existence'/life, which is itself sick by default, split by atom bomb/negativity/Judy, so that to follow positivity/life is the evil and horror here, not Judy.....When Hawk pointed to the 'mother symbol', this is something like the excess of nature/positivity full control people with its blind stupid force, crushing dreams that dont exist, etc.; but the negative reaction is shown by the the diamond on top of the 'mother symbol', it is split and controlled by 'mother nature'/life(bottom diamond), then Jeffries sets it straight, put 'Judy'/negativity back together, thus Cooper starts having the proper negative reactions to life/mother, rather than being driven by it.  When Hawks says 'you never want to know about that', pointing to the mother symbol, this is the waste of 25 years of Cooper in the red room, or Laura rotting in the positive 'happy' Odessa, accepting/taking the ring of the world of truck drivers, nature/facts, which destroyed her dreams.....

Judy is 'the negative that explains', exposes the blind meaninglessness of positive life, void without dreams, that crushed the negative reaction of dreams against this, which would open up 'not knowing', 'not possessing' etc., negativity gives the space to think, to identify something(for instance to bring Laura back to the site of her trauma), etc., but then problems and mystery spin off of this, its never said and done forever, investigation must follow, then learn something new you did not know about, etc..   no positive identification of Judy or 'superhero happy ending', etc....negative reaction opens up dreams, mystery, transcendence, love, sublime moments etc., to deny Judy, the pain involved in dealing with the horror of positivity/life, is to deny being properly human....

With positive solution/'mother', the 'world of truck drivers'/woodsmen is the male counterpart to 'mother'.  In positive/factual life, there are more 'Lauras' then ever in Twin Peaks, overdoses, suicide, drugs, etc....so that what was the exception with Laura back in 89-90 is now a norm out in the open, Jerry's legal drug business, etc.. I think one point here is that the 'happy ending' just 'smoothes this over' without ever having done the proper investigation, the negative work against the 'wrong' committed, since people were hiding from Judy, goes to then Odessa, Texas.....This is why Cooper had to destroy his own happy ending by taking Laura back to the site of the horror, to have the proper Judy/negative reaction against it, to start the investigation again, since hiding from Judy/negativity(Dougie, Old Agent Cooper), pretending everything is going to work out, or trying to possess or destroy Judy/negativity(Mr. C) both fail since Judy is 'inexistent', and this is what Cooper was so scared of, and why he had to hide in 'viva las vegas' and patronize criminals, much like life does in Odessa, Texas in the absence of Judy/negative reaction to it all.....

Judy is not mother, mother is positive life in the absence of Judy/negativity, dreams, sick vomiting because trying to smooth over negativity with simple 'factual' solutions and happy endings, which do not do justice to dreams and horror of life, thus cannot create basic conditions of community, law, dignity, etc......and these factual/mother/positive solutions(its just one bad guy, Judy, kill them, etc., everything will be great) these solutions are blown apart every day by the horror and injustice lurking right under the surface, 'sleepwalking' in Twin Peaks, rotting in Odessa in 'world of truck drivers' etc......Judy can never be gotten rid of, positive happy ending just gives the blind negativity of nature's void full reign, giving up the antagonism/negativity to stupidity and blind violence, impulsiveness, etc, which kills the dreams.........

Posted : 09/09/2017 3:19 pm
Posts: 28
Eminent Member

In the black lodge, the earthly sufferings are increased infinite times, and you suffer forever. In the white lodge, it's not a dream, but the logic is similar. But there, you are in peace.


I think Hawk's description as you have to move through hell to get in to heaven, becme obsolete in a sense. There's more to it. White lodge is another mystery... I think Coop didn't make it to the white lodge because he always had one foot here, and there. In there, he would've be in peace. But he has to investigate, has to solve. And when you are in peace, there's no need for solving.


Why do you think Major Briggs never went there? Well, he did for a moment, but  returned and he end up getting tortured. Briggs has everything Cooper has, and more. He was a beacon of light, courage, and faith. I thought his story would be a happy ending out of mostly everyone.. almost. But he too gets annihilated.

Posted : 12/09/2017 3:03 pm
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We have seen the limitations of the fireman/giant in the white lodge as well, so I don't think its just exactly a 'place of rest'.  For instance, when BOB and the woodsmen were born by the sick mother/experiment, in the wake of the nuclear blast, this was seen by the fireman with his 'electricity bell' and monitor showing the source of electricity.  So, the blast was registered by the fireman and his lady companion, at which time the fireman was suspended and began to dream of someway out of the catastrophe, so that the white lodge is not a place of just peace and rest, but also has Judy/negative in it, what its response to BOB/Mother, etc. is depends on Judy/negativity being registered and responded to negatively. 

Also, one enters through the white lodge not through peace, but antagonism that cuts open even nature itself, like the primordial metallic fire in the woods near the vortex/void which cuts apart reality itself, making it dissolve and people disappear.  When Andy goes to the white lodge, we see that the fireman is not simply at peace, but clarifies Andy's dreams and role, how he will negatively intervene in the affairs of the world to set up that scene in episode 17 and prepare Lucy for her role, understanding the two coopers can be talking here, but also moving somewhere else, two coopers/two Trumans(makes a difference which one, understanding cellular phones when Cooper calls her about Mr. C, etc.).  So the white lodge and the fireman are registering negative reactions (for example, Freddie's negative reaction to life's flow, not wanting to go to the pub with friends, but do something with his life, etc.); and after the registering of negative reactions, we see that it sort of then presents the negative reactions to the life inside of people, shows it to them, fits them back into the world from this position...., and in such a way that he leads them ultimately to Judy/negativity inside themselves and the world...........

Remember it was in the white lodge itself where the fireman told Cooper about '430, Richard and Linda, two birds with one stone'....so that the white lodge and the fireman are directing Cooper on how to meet Judy/negativity, how to react negatively to Odessa life, integrate the negative stance into Cooper, so he is not driven mad and split into two 'automatic' 'blue rose' madmen, because he cannot accept what happened in Twin Peaks back in the original series.  The fireman is basically giving Cooper clues about how to meet Judy/negativity, how to face up the situation that made him mad, and how to get Laura to negate 'Odessa life', bring her back to the dreams and horror, etc.....

Posted : 12/09/2017 9:22 pm
Posts: 472
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Actually, thinking about it again, the place of rest(or better yet, the place of escaping dreams) is the 'black lodge', or the 'convenience complex'(Store, motel, courtyard, basement, etc.):  the convenience complex is where people go when they are only looking for convenience, rest, or something readily given to them, just 'going with the flow' of life or Chad's 'enjoying this beautiful day', etc.....The problem is looking for rest in life is still an antagonistic situation, a nature/world/life/state split open by atom blast or voids in the woods.  What does one find at hand in such a negative situation, just going with life, nothing but convenience motel, 'world of truck drivers', criminal groups, 'viva las vegas', rancho rosa, etc. Jeffries is trying to be at rest in the convenience motel, thats why he is an electricity bell with extinguished fire/electricity, thus he needs an exhaust pipe to let out the smoke from his smoldering fire/energy....here Jeffries plays the role to direct people to Judy, show them the negative in this world, that there is nothing to find in that rest. Thus MIKE says 'electricity' enthusiastically here, since it frees his electricity(even his arm) from searching for energy in positivity, in life, in facts(as Mr. C was doing by getting nervous and saying 'whos Judy', etc., there is no Judy, Judy is negative/inexistent, a void, that drives people to electricity in reaction to this, dreams, etc.  Thus MIKE is then freed from his arm having to meet with BOB over the convenience store, Cooper is freed from his madness and takes a negative approach to life, no longer has to patronize it, criminality etc. in a criminal life devoid of dreams and justice, ignoring the Laura Palmer tragedy, etc.  Jeffries sort of stays there in the black lodge at rest, the only place one can rest, and shows people the futility/disgust of it all, which is why MIKE  looked at him in horror....

This whole idea of 'coming to rest'/positivity/facts is best shown by Laura saved by cooper positively/factually, then just coming to rest in 'Odessa life', giving up dreams, harassed without dignity by the people who destroyed her dreams, the 'truck drivers' or 'woodsmen' who are looking for convenience.  Thus Sarah Palmer was right when she began smashing Laura's 'dream' picture after Cooper made his positive solution, and Cooper was right to return Laura to Twin Peaks.  Cooper tells Carrie at her Odessa house 'this is very important': to give Laura's dreams the dignity they deserve, to have people remember that pain and tragedy and dream of something better, rather than accepting positively 'Odessa life', the Laura tragedy that happened in Twin Peaks can never be 'smoothed over' positively and be accepted.  So Sarah Palmer was deeply right when at her house she told Hawk 'its a damned bad story, isnt it, Hawk?'....Judy/negativity are necessary here....

Posted : 12/09/2017 9:50 pm
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