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The "we live inside a dream" statement by Cooper seems quite explicit, our dear Coop is dreaming, but the question seems to be since how long he is in that state ? One of the theory that I read about (and which was the most convincing for me up to now) was explaining that "the dreamer" (say Coop) is locked in the red room since the end of season 2 and that all season 3 is just his dream. This hypothesis appears at first quite fitting with all the unresolved stories here and there, but there is just one small detail that make it impossible to be : cellphones ! 25 years ago agent Cooper could not have guessed about smartphones (devices which are extensively used by Diane and Mr C. for instance). So is Lucy's statement "I understand about cellphones now!" relevant regarding this anachronism ?
I think Lucy is being literal here. It took her seeing Cooper there, as Mr. C, and hearing him on a phone in a car at the same time to understand that you don't need to be in place to use a phone. This concept allows her to realize that the Cooper in with the sheriff is not real and that is why she is there with a gun to shoot him. This is both crucial and funny. It fits very well with Lucy's character.
If you follow Black Lodge dreamer it is simple answer. This "dream" isn't only his own. In this theory he is doing a trial. A trial about Hawk was talking. What do you think trial mean ? That someone just dreaming like in sleeping state ? So where is there any trial ? If we follow this, trial must mean that Black Lodge entities place him in their created world, and he must past trial there. It's not about he can dream about anything he want to. They placed him in modern world, that it. If you like this theory, you can read my version of it, at end of page 2:
Yes I understood that but I was wondering if there was another meaning, but I admit that I am stretching things too far. It is just that this smartphone anachronism bugs me because I quite liked to think that season 3 was a dream from 1990s Coop (and others anachronism like cars appears for me less relevant). And it is after that I tried to make the link with what Lucy said. But I am surely overthinking it.
I think it's just a joke; in case you forgot, way back in Episode 4 (about 20 minutes in) Lucy didn't understand that Sheriff Truman was approaching the Station while on the phone with her.
I agree - just a joke and in keeping with Lucy's character.
When it happens early in the series, doesn't Andy say something like "we have been over this time and time again...." (or maybe "I don't know how many times we have to go over this")?
Possibly a bit of foreshadowing for fans on a time-loop theory?
I agree and align with the dream theory and Dale being "stuck" in the lodge. Never really connected the cell phone comment, but I think you may be right.