Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
In a month, his latest film, Lucky, starring David Lynch too, is out.
Sad news :'(
I am so sad to hear of his passing,
but was glad to hear his performance on the show.
It hearkened back to another song he did 50 years ago:
He was great as Rip van Winkle, directed by Coppola
By the way, I saw a documentary about Harry Dean a few years ago called "Partly Fiction". It has some musical performances by him plus interviews with him and with Lynch and a bunch of other friends. It was pretty good, but I don't know how available it is.
It was a French documentary 🙂
He released a CD out of it
That's the soundtrack from the documentary
Someone should made an "In Memoriam" You Tube clip featuring each of the original cast member whom have passed on, with this fine Julee Cruise music in the background. Unfortunately, I'm not a video-clip maker, but hopefully someone out there will take this challenge:
VERY good idea!
Bye, Harry. Earth can no longer hold a wild spirit. You go, boy! Go!
He had a quality. Could make a whole room of celebrities (including Dustin Hoffman, who just doesn't do this) fall in love with him.
My overall favorite HDS soliloquy, the Paris, Texas peepshow booth scene. Harry at his lonely best. Maybe everyone has seen it. I never tire of this film.