Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
Hi Brandy,I think Twin Peaks is becoming a religion.
"Becoming"? 😉
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I was trying to be gentle and non-scary in my statement. Those who would not be alarmed otherwise clearly know exactly what I mean. 😉
Hi Brandy,I think Twin Peaks is becoming a religion.
"Becoming"? 😉
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I was trying to be gentle and non-scary in my statement. Those who would not be alarmed otherwise clearly know exactly what I mean. 😉
Why avoid being scary now?
Hi Brandy,I think Twin Peaks is becoming a religion.
"Becoming"? 😉
- /< /\ /> -
I was trying to be gentle and non-scary in my statement. Those who would not be alarmed otherwise clearly know exactly what I mean. 😉
Why avoid be non-scary now?
That's a yrev very good question. Why indeed........
Brandy, we are all seemingly kindred spirits - nothing too weird or scary about any of this. 😉
In part 14, when Gordon tells about his Monica Belucci dream, he relates the story (also a part of that dream) about Phillip Jeffries appearing in Philadelphia offices (same scene as in FWWM), and says something like "I hadn't remembered that. It's something to think about"; Albert also seems to begin to remember that too.
Which leads me to conclusion that part 14 (or at least that bit) happens in a timeline where Cooper (with Jeffries' help) had already changed something in the past, causing the Philadelphia scene to become "the unofficial version". And Gordon indeed remembered. There's no way that both Gordon and Albert would forget such an extraordinary incident in normal circumstances (if the timelines haven't been tampered with).
So looks like we have a bit of an interesting task, to determine which scenes in the whole season belong to which 'versions'.
For instance, when Hawk opened the Laura case boxes, there is a "wrapped in plastic" photo, which clearly belongs to the 'unofficial' version etc
Or it all happened in a dream 🙂